Page 153 of Twisted in Chains

He felt his smile beam as he thought of her walking around naked in their apartment.

“Hello, beautiful.”

“Hey, yourself. So, how was your contract thing today?” she asked.

“It was good. I doubt I’ll be taking it, but they did a good sale.”

“And you’re still not going to take it?”

“I’m not. When I get back, I want to take you out to dinner. We need to talk.”

There was silence on the other end.


“I’m still here.” Her words were no louder than a whisper.

“I’m not breaking up with you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’ll be home tomorrow. Wear that blue number I picked up for you.” He could imagine her rolling her eyes.

“You’re so bossy.”

“Only when it comes to you.” He laughed as she snorted. She was so adorable. “What are you wearing?”

“Seriously, you’re trying to get phone sex?”

“Have you ever tried it?”


“Me neither. I’m always willing to try new things. What are you wearing?” He uncrossed his legs, sitting back against the headboards.

“You’re not even ready for this, Noah.”

“Try me.”

“It’s so sexy.”

“Go on.” He wrapped his fingers around his cock, waiting.

“I’m wearing sweatpants and one of your shirts. It’s got paint on it. Do you paint?”

“I don’t paint. I had to do another coat over my sitting room when it was first decorated. I needed the distraction, and since then, I wear that whenever my place needs some work done.”

“I don’t believe it. Noah King gets his hands dirty.”

“And not just in making millions every single day.”

“I hear you, buddy.”

“What are you wearing under the shirt?” he asked. He’d tossed out all of her old lingerie that had been washed one time too many and replaced it with all the good kinds that he loved.

“I’m wearing the peach set.”

“The lace peach set?”