Page 16 of Twisted in Chains

“Do you think they’re just going to keep feeding us and leave us alone?” she asked.

“No, I don’t. I think they’ve got plans for us. I don’t know what they are, but either way, I won’t leave you, Skye. I promise. We’re in this together. No matter what.”

“To the bitter end.”

“We’re going to get out of this,” he said.

She turned her head, staring into his blue eyes. She wanted to believe him. He always sounded so sure of himself, determined. As if he didn’t need to make excuses because it would all be okay.

Only, she knew better.

“I know you don’t believe me, but I believe it.”

“Noah, you’re not getting any stronger. You’re still weak, and I see how sluggish you feel all the time. You struggle not to fall asleep, and I just…”

“Don’t give up on me, Skye. I’m not done. Nowhere near done.”

She reached out, touching his cheek. She nodded. “Nowhere near done. I’m with you. Every single step of the way.”

Skye didn’t know if this was more torture them being trapped in the room.

“I’ve got to take a leak,” Noah said, climbing over her.

She kept her head averted as he heard him use the bathroom. They both stank really bad and were in need of a bath, but hadn’t been granted that kind of permission.

Noah groaned, and she looked at him to see him stretching his arms above his head. He did look so tired all of the time. It concerned her because he was still getting food, and yet, he didn’t have energy for anything.

They both tensed as someone came to the door. No one moved, and the bolt slid into place. Noah stepped close toward her, and she waited for whatever was about to happen.

“Well, well, well, it looks like it’s your two’s time to party.”

Noah took her hand, and she climbed off the bed, stepping beside him, trying to take comfort in his touch.

“Aw, isn’t this such a touching scene? I think I’m going to throw up,” accent guy said.

He looked at Noah with a smirk on his face.

“Well, darlin’, time to go.”

“I think I’ll stay here.”

Of course, he had guards with him, and before long, four other men were in the room, all of them larger than her and Noah.

“Hey, what are you doing? Get off her. Leave her alone. She’s done nothing wrong.”

Skye screamed as her hair was pulled. She was dragged out of the room, and she tried to fight just to make the pain stop.

They wouldn’t let her.

The long corridor was cold, and she noticed five more doors, which they passed. Down a long flight of stairs. It was a tight fit, but the men held onto her and Noah. She heard them following.

Her stomach turned. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know something bad was about to happen.

“What are you taking me?” she asked.

She whimpered as something struck her back, hard. The one thing she hated more than anything else in the world was pain. She didn’t like it and often avoided it.

Now was one of those times she kept trying to avoid it, whimpering as her hair was tugged again, twisting her left and right, using it as some kind of steering wheel, to make her move.