Page 21 of Twisted in Chains

Chapter Four

They laughed.

Skye’s body ached.

She wasn’t a virgin anymore. No, that had been taken from her.

By Noah. The cute guy at school that everyone wanted. All the girls were screaming about how cute and sweet he was.

Tears fell from her eyes. Curled up in a ball, she stared at the wall, not daring to look toward the corner where Noah had stayed.

Her ass hurt. The one who’d dragged her into the bathroom had started hitting her. The palm of his hand had constantly landed against her flesh. He had no problems pulling her hair or shoving her against the wall.

She touched the tips of her fingers to her head where she’d connected with the wall. It was still sore.

Pressing her thighs together, she sank her teeth into her lip to contain her whimper. Pain spread through her entire body. Not a part of her didn’t hurt.

She just wanted to go home, to be back in her bedroom, smelling her mother’s cooking and hearing her dad moan about the bills.

“Skye,” Noah said.

She tensed up, but he didn’t say anything else.

The moment they were led into that room, she knew something bad was going to happen. What she didn’t expect was to come out of it with bruises.

You’re stronger than this.

Don’t let them win.

You’re going to have to fight to leave.

She rolled over and turned to face Noah.

He wasn’t allowed clothes either.

The evidence of her virginity still painted his cock.

Cum and blood mixed together.

She always imagined her first time to be sweet, tender. Being the chunky girl at school, she knew not many guys liked her. She was too big, had one too many pounds. She didn’t have the blonde hair or the outgoing personality to draw attention. Her position in life was in the shadows.

Yet, her first time had been with one of the most popular boys in school. By force. By fear.

Staring at him now, she didn’t look away. The guilt was right there in his eyes, clear to see. He didn’t hide, and she refused to look away.

“What?” she asked.

“I didn’t want to do … that.”

“I know.”

“I had to get hard.”

“I know.”

She’d been right there. Anything he didn’t do, they were going to hurt her.

Right now, knowing what they were capable of, it scared her about what they were willing to do.