Page 31 of Twisted in Chains

“Neither do I.”

He’d not gotten his strength back. She took hold of his hand, locking their fingers together. They were a team. They could do this.

“I don’t want any of them touching me,” she said.

“Skye, when that whistle blows, it’s going to be blood. You have to get the gun. I’ll distract them.”

“I will.”

She couldn’t allow the tears to fall. This was tearing her apart, but again, what could she do? Each day was going to get worse. She didn’t know if Noah even realized that one day, she might not be with him. Her body may be with someone else. That was all she was here, a body.

A mouth.

A cunt.

An asshole.

The person beneath didn’t matter.

Each day she was coming to terms with her fate, even as it scared her.

The cuffs were removed from the men, and then the whistle blew. All three came charging at her. She didn’t even have time to grab the gun as all three men were on them.

Noah shoved her behind him as he took the brunt of one man, shoving him into another. The third one got around, and Skye moved out of his hold, but he caught her hair, holding her close.

“I want pussy,” he said, growling the word against her ear.

He cupped her between the thighs. The action was so violent, it made her scream.

Noah was there, and he grabbed the man’s hand, twisting his fingers back, and she was released. Only, the two men were back up.

It was a fight to the death.

With Noah trying to fight all three men, Skye kicked, hit, screamed, and tried to help him. She wasn’t as strong as he was, but she was able to land a couple of blows to their balls. Each man went down. She looked behind her and saw the gun was still there.

She quickly rushed, trying to get to the gun, but there was no use as the men got on top of her. Come on, Skye. Don’t give up.

Someone grabbed her, throwing her down to the ground once again.

During the scuffle, she lost sight of the gun, but was able to wriggle away as they tried to penetrate her.

Don’t think.

Just act.

This is kill or be killed.

She’d never hurt anyone during her life, never taken the time to say a mean word, or hit someone, and as she reached back, grabbed the gun, she took aim, and fired.

Blood spilled, and there was nothing left of the man’s head. She’d done what she needed to do. He wasn’t hurting her, and she held the gun, rushing back toward Noah.

She gave him the gun. They didn’t have time to hesitate. These men were going to kill them both. The other guy gripped her around the neck, cutting off her air supply.

“You don’t have to be breathing to enjoy pussy.”

He was intent on killing her. Her eyes closed as air became a necessity. Only, she wasn’t able to breathe.

He held her immobile, unable to fight, and it was only when she was close to passing out that the pressure eased from her throat, and she was able to take that first deep breath. It was a welcome to her. Noah had fired the gun twice more. She rolled the man off her, and she went to her knees, coughing.