Page 44 of Twisted in Chains

Chapter Seven

Noah hadn’t done much but use the toilet, eat his food, and collapse in bed. Skye watched him now as he stared up at the ceiling with a vacant look. His eyes kept drooping, and seeing him without this energy, this spark, it killed a part of her soul.

During the time they’d been trapped together, he’d come to mean so much to her, and because of that, she expected him to be happier, more confident, only now, he’d been raped, beaten, and slowly, he was dying inside.

She saw it.

The fading light in his eyes.

Did he see it in hers?

They’d been here for what felt like an eternity. It had been hours since someone had come to their room, and it had only been to bring them food. Nothing more.

Still naked and covered in dirt, she wished she had a shower but there was no way she’d ever pay Mitch just for that use.

Rubbing her arms, trying to ward off the chill, she couldn’t think of what to do.

“What do you want to do when we get out of here?” she asked.

“Buy a gun, come here, and shoot every single motherfucker in the balls. When I’m done, I want to find every piece of shit that pays for the pleasure of seeing us tortured.” Noah didn’t even blink. “I wonder what it would feel like to tear their cock from their body and make every single woman wish they’d never even thought about doing this.”

She let out a shudder at the image. “Okay, we’re onto the bloody violence part. I was thinking more about food and possibly watching a movie.”

He turned his head to look at her. “I’m going to kill them, Skye. Every single one of them.”

“I know.” She had no doubt. “But how about we talk about what you’re going to do without committing murder in order to do it?”

“Would it be murder? I’d be doing the world a favor.”

“You would, but…”


“What about you?” she asked.

“What about me?”

She remembered those men they had killed to save themselves. It had been a kill or be killed moment. Just the thought of them touching her, no, she didn’t even want to think about it.

“I don’t want to lose you, Noah. Not because of them.” She slid down the bed, turning toward him, staring into his eyes. They were so cold right now and yet clear at the same time. “You’re better than this.”

“Tell me you’ve not thought about killing them?”

“All the time. I don’t have the strength to do that. You do.”

“Not right now I don’t. Something’s wrong with me.”

He held his hands up, clenching them into fists and releasing them.

“Something’s wrong with you?” she asked, repeating his words.

“Yeah, I’m not at my right strength, not even close. Something happened to me when we arrived here. I don’t know what it is, but I can’t fight them. At least, not for long, Skye. I’m fucking useless. There’s no way I can protect you. I can’t even protect myself, let alone you.” He started to cry, and seeing him break apart scared Skye.

Wrapping her arms around him, she held him close. “It’s fine. Everything is going to be totally fine. Please, don’t cry. Please.” She tried to soothe him.

His head pressed against her breasts as another sob tore from him. “I’m not used to being this weak. I’m so fucking useless. So stupid. I don’t know what I’m doing. Not anymore. You need to run, Skye. The first opportunity. You run.”

She cupped his face, pulling his head back so that she could look into his eyes. “No. I’m not going anywhere without you.” Tears filled her own eyes at the uselessness of it all. “We’re in this together, remember? You and me against the world, no one else. We came together, and we’ll leave like that.” She stared at his lips, and she didn’t know if it was even appropriate or not, but she kissed him.