Page 7 of Twisted in Chains

He glanced toward her only to find her nibbling on her lip, clearly worried.

“We’re going to get out of this,” he said.

“You don’t know that. For all you know we could be kept here to starve to death. We’re both going to die,” she said.

“No, we’re not. You’ve got to believe we’re going to get free. It’s what I’m doing. Freedom is what I’m aiming for.”

“Have you always been this optimistic?”

“Nope. I guess being trapped in a room with you is helping me to see clearly.”

She opened her mouth to speak, but they both froze.

“No, please. No more. I can’t take it. Please, stop.”

The feminine scream stopped outside of their room.

Something was thrown against their door, and the screams kept coming until all of a sudden, silence.

Noah stared at the door, and it was only when Skye gripped his arm that he looked to where she was pointing.

Blood seeped under the door.

She covered her mouth, and tears filled her eyes.

“Oh, my God, they just killed her,” she said, whispering the words.

Noah pulled her close, holding her, feeling her body as it shook against him.

“It’s going to be okay.”

Even as he spoke, he knew he was talking bullshit. How could he promise that? They were never getting out of here. Never ever. Their life was fucking ending here.