Page 73 of Twisted in Chains

Until then, they were together and staying together. No questions asked.

First, though, he had to find her.


Earlier in the morning, Skye made her way inside the school. She arrived before most of the students had even gotten there. The few that were there didn’t care who she was or what she went through. They only cared about their own problems, and she was more than fine with that. Talking about her problems wasn’t something she was interested in.

Holding onto her brand-new books, she went straight to her locker. She needed to place the books inside before heading down to the principal. She’d gotten everything brand new because her things had been stolen. When she asked Denison if he’d located her bag and belongings, he’d shaken his head.

Everything had been lost or burned, or tossed out. He told her there was no trace of either of them being in that place. The only evidence they had was their description of their cell. The sketch that had been designed from their description of Mitch had come back without a match. There was no trace of him anywhere. That was all that placed them there at this time.

As she stared at her locker, it seemed so normal to her.

This was the hardest part of being taken, how normal everyone and everything was.

Her parents were still the same supportive selves even though they were both worried, both scared about how she was dealing with her kidnapping and being trapped, caged in like an animal. Her new favorite hobby right now was standing under the shower and washing her body.

Being forced to wash and bathe in front of an audience or being blasted with cold water had made bathing now a pure luxury, one she would never take for granted again. She did it as often as possible.

Lifting her hand, she did the code and her locker opened. Placing her books inside, she took a deep breath and felt … calmer. Lighter. She could do this.

Of course, she could do this. It was easy to do.

Next, she went to the principal’s office.

One look from Tracey, the receptionist, and she wasn’t so sure.

“Ah, Miss Carver, your parents told me you’d be coming in today. Please, come in. I’ll take it from here, Tracey.”

She moved past him, being careful not to touch him. She still didn’t handle being touched well. A hug from her father left her very uncomfortable, which she hated.

“Right, so, let’s see. I’ve been talking with your teachers. You were pretty much up to speed with everything before your … incident. They’re going to give you files of work for you to complete. We’re hoping you’re fully caught up in the New Year. If for whatever reason, you’re not able to graduate, we will extend your time into the summer to complete all necessary assignments and you can graduate at the start of the new term. Now, there have been some changes made to your timetable. After talking with your parents and the Kings—”

“You talked to Noah’s parents? Is he returning today?”

“That I can’t say. Both of your parents have expressed an ideal … separation. Now, I can’t expel either of you because you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong. So I can’t change anything that is happening on that front. However, the classes you and Noah were in prior to your incident have been changed.”

She took the new timetable from him. “I’m the one that has been moved. Is this at Noah’s insistence?”

“We believe that it would be easier for you than for him.”


“You’re … your grades are higher, Skye. You can handle the workload.”

“And Noah cannot, and because he plays ball, he gets special treatment.” Her hands started to shake, and she took a deep breath.

“I don’t think that’s a nice thing to say.”

“I better go,” she said. “I don’t want to be late my first day.”

Without another look at him, she left the office, ignoring Tracey, and went to the bathroom.

A couple of girls were there, and she went straight into a stall.

“Isn’t she the girl that was taken?”
