Page 76 of Twisted in Chains

Before the kidnapping her hair had been down to her waist, so long. She’d never wanted to have it cut. In a stupid way, she’d wanted it like some of the princesses from her favorite movies. They all had long beautiful hair and princes to love them. She had nothing.

“I couldn’t stand to have long hair. He used to … hold it, and it hurt. I promised myself if I got out, I’d cut it. There’s no other reason here, I promise.”

He stroked a lock, and he twirled it around his finger. “I like the change. It suits you.” He didn’t stop touching her. His finger stroked across her cheek before he cupped her face. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve been wanting to touch you? To know that you were fine? It has been driving me crazy.”

Tears filled her eyes at the torment she saw shining back at her. “I don’t know what to say, Noah.”

“Tell me you’re okay.”

“I’m okay.”

“Mean it.”


“Do you miss me? I can’t sleep at night without you. I need to feel you against me.”

She tilted her head to the side, moving her face away from his touch. “This isn’t fair.”

“I know it’s not fair.”

“No, why don’t you get Rebecca to sleep next to you? That may help your ability to sleep.”

She went to move, but he caught her arm, keeping her in place. It was useless fighting with him. Noah was used to getting what he wanted.

“What the hell does that mean?”

“I saw the two of you together. You’re dating again. It’s fine. I get it.”

“I’m not dating her.”

“You were both kissing.”

“You’re jealous?”

“I’m not jealous.”

He smiled. “I think you are.”

“You’re crazy.”

“I like that you’re jealous.”

“I’m not. I don’t ever feel something like that.”

“I would be if I saw another guy kissing you. You think it was easy for me knowing that Mitch had you? What he was doing to you?”

“Don’t, Noah. Don’t bring that here.”

“I can’t help it. Some nights I wake up and see the pain in your eyes and all I want to do is hold you. I can’t do that because you’re not beside me anymore.”

The tears no longer stayed in her eyes and fell down her cheeks.

“Don’t cry,” he said.

“Then stop talking about it. Our parents believe what is best for us is being apart.”

“What do you believe?” he asked. She licked her lips. They were so dry. Her stomach growled, and he chuckled. “It has been a long time since I heard that.”