Page 78 of Twisted in Chains

Chapter Twelve

Noah made sure Skye was in front of him in line. They both held a tray, and each of them picked up plenty of food, burgers, fries, pizza, and a pudding. Going without and being fed nothing but inedible crap had given him a new lease on life, especially when it came to food. He loved to eat.

Once they paid, he held her and herded her toward his table. The moment he got Derek to move up and make a space, he saw the shock on the guys’ faces as they looked at her.

“You all know Skye. She’s going to be eating with us from now on.” He picked up a piece of pizza and took a bite. “Damn, you’ve got to try this.” He held it in front of Skye for her to take a bite.

“So good.”

“Guys, you know this is canteen food, right?” Derek asked.

“We know,” Noah said.

He put his pizza down and took a bite of his burger. This time, Skye offered him a bite of her burger.

“Incoming. Your girl does not look happy, Noah. Try to look less happy right now,” Luke said.

He glanced to his left, and sure enough, Rebecca was already heading his way. One look at Skye and he saw she was uncomfortable. For a split second, he wished it was just the two of them.

Only for it to be the two of them, it would place them back in that cell where pain and death were a certainty.

“Is this what you find funny now, Noah? Helping the poor and needy?” Rebecca asked, arms folded.

“I’m eating lunch with a friend.”

“When have you ever been friends with that fat bitch?”

“Don’t,” he said.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me, Rebecca. Don’t insult my friends. I don’t like it.” He spoke slowly.

Rebecca paled.

“Dude, chill out,” Derek said.

“You got a problem with Skye eating with us?”

“Noah, it’s fine,” Skye said.

“No, you’re my friend. If they can’t handle this shit, I don’t care. I’m eating my lunch with you. You got a problem with that, go suck another guy’s dick, Rebecca. We all know it’s the only kind of sustenance you can handle.”

“How dare you—”

She stopped talking the moment he stood. After being kidnapped, ridiculed for so long, having her fall silent because of his size, it felt good. Even as he felt this, he couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for even being this way. He’d never intimidated a woman.

“Go away, Rebecca.”

“Well, you’re not all that anyway, Noah King. You were the worst guy I ever slept with.” She turned her nose up at him and walked away.

Silence fell around the table. He was very much aware of the gazes on him, but he didn’t give a fuck.

Beneath the table, he grabbed Skye’s hand, locking their fingers together, much in the same way they always did while they lay on the bed together. The moment he touched her, the darkness that had been creeping into his soul disappeared.

No one spoke for the longest time until finally Derek broke the ice. “I wouldn’t worry, dude. Every single guy is always bad in bed when a chick breaks up with him.”

Before long the rest of the guys were talking about their bad breakups. He didn’t give a fuck. Rebecca hadn’t been anything other than easy.