Page 87 of Twisted in Chains

Chapter Thirteen

Noah woke up to banging on the bedroom door. One look around the room and he saw it wasn’t his. The events of the night before came flooding back to him. Glancing to his chest, he saw Skye’s head. They were both still naked, curled up together.

It was the best sleep he’d had in a very long time.

As he ran his fingers down her back, she let out a sigh. “You’re going to have to respond to him.”

“You’re awake?”

“Who wouldn’t be with all that banging?”

“Shut up, Derek. We’ll be out in a moment.”

“Good, we’ll be late for school otherwise.”

Skye sat up then. Her hair was messed, and she held the blanket to her chest as she leaned over him, and grabbed the clock.

“Crap. I’m going to be in so much trouble.”

“Your parents wanted you to have fun. Ta-da, you had fun.”

“I’m going to be late for school.”

“You can wear what you did last night. It’ll be fine.”

“After what we did last night? Everyone will know.”

“Please, they all think we’re together anyway. I don’t see what the big deal is.” He caught her frown and laughed. “What is going on in that head of yours?”

“Are we together?”

“Why wouldn’t we be?”

“I don’t know. I guess, I just didn’t think we would be.”


“You’re Noah King.”

“And you’re Skye Carver. I really don’t see the problem.”

“You’re supposed to go with cheerleaders and pretty girls that get passed around the football stars. I’m neither pretty, a cheerleader, nor have I slept with any other football player.”

He didn’t want her to think of Mitch. That bastard didn’t count. He cupped her arms, holding her against him as he stared up at her. “No, you’re so much better. You belong to me and only me. I don’t share.”

She smiled. “You so do.”

“Not anymore. Not when it comes to you.” He wouldn’t share her.

He stroked her cheek, and she pulled away. She sat on the edge of the bed with her back bare as she stared out at the room. Slowly, she got up, letting the blanket go.

Her back still held the scars from the whippings she’d been given during their kidnapping. All of the marks had healed now, but she would always remember them when she looked in the mirror, and he’d always see them.

Getting to his feet, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. They’d not been this naked with each other in weeks, and he found it oddly comforting to see her like this now.

“What is it?”

“I just want to hold you.”