Page 94 of Twisted in Chains

They took off out of town. Noah kept on driving, putting his foot on the gas.

“You think they’re going to follow us.”

He turned down a beaten path, and Skye … her heart started to race when she realized they were heading up toward the parking near by the creek.

“Have you been here since?” she asked.


“I can’t believe we’re … here.”

“I know.” He parked the car. “They shouldn’t find us for a while.”

“I don’t like Denison. He’s a manipulative bastard.”

“He doesn’t like me,” he said.

“I know. I don’t understand why.” She shrugged.

“I’ve got something for you.”


“It’s like a gift but not.”

She giggled. Even after everything they had been through, she could still giggle. She felt like that was a win. A big win. “A not gift?”

“It’s … something. You’ll understand it when you see it.”

He climbed out of the car, and she followed him, making sure to check everywhere. She didn’t trust this place. It was the place they were taken last time. No time like the present though to get over her demons.

Noah opened the trunk and pulled out some clothing. She couldn’t make it out as it had a cover and a plastic sheet over it.

“It’s a costume.”

He pulled the sheet off, and she saw it was a princess costume, a bright pink one.

“I found one in your size. Don’t be weird about it,” he said.

“Weird? Why would I be weird about you knowing my size when no guy is supposed to know that?” She stepped up toward him. “You want me to try it on now?”

“Yes, why not? I got a costume as well.”

“This is … I don’t know what it is.”

“It’s just a bit of fun. I wanted to give it to you last night, but with the party and everything, I never got the chance.”

“Okay then.” She smiled. One more look around, and she opened his passenger door, putting the dress on the seat. “I can do this.”

She stripped out of her clothes. It was cold and November. Snow would be back soon for Christmas as it had melted away in the past few weeks. She usually loved this time of year, the colder weather, the seasonal festivities this time of the year brought, but none of the excitement was there. She didn’t care that Thanksgiving was coming, or Christmas or the New Year. They had missed Halloween, and life just seemed to be about taking it one day at a time. That was all she could focus on.

Picking up the costume, she released the zipper in the back and stepped into it. Presenting her back to Noah, she waited for him to zip her up.

“It’s always complete with a tiara,” he said, placing something on her head.

“How do I look?” she asked.

“You look like a princess.”