Page 97 of Twisted in Chains

“I don’t know. You want to go and get ice cream?”

“I do like ice cream. I haven’t had any since we got back.”

“Then ice cream it is for you. How about a couple of cheeseburgers?”

“You’re after my heart.”

With every step he took, he felt the tug of his captivity evade him. He couldn’t keep waiting to be abused, exposed, humiliated. He would do everything in his power to hunt for Mitch and his crew, and if he had to, he’d fucking train to be a cop. There was no way he was going to let anyone get away with the shit they caused them.

“Noah, I have a bad feeling.” Skye caught his arm, and Noah had no choice but to look up. Mitch leaned against the car door, looking so fucking calm and relaxed as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

“You know, you should have these bad feelings before you agree to come to a place. Skye, you have never been able to read any of your emotions well, have you?”

Mitch advanced toward them, his accent completely gone, and before Noah could do anything, a bag was thrown over his head. He couldn’t see, and the man behind him was way too strong. He was hit hard over the head, and he heard Skye scream for him.

He was thrown into the trunk of the car.

Using all of his strength, he tried to fight, to get out. The car was suddenly moving, and he couldn’t focus. “Let me out. Let me the fuck out.”

This was his fault. He’d taken Skye away, and now he had gotten them both hurt.

He didn’t know how long the car was moving before they came to an abrupt stop. Within seconds, he was pulled out of the trunk of the car and being dragged somewhere else. He tried to fight but he couldn’t keep pace. The bang to the head had messed with him. Mitch’s presence had startled him.

The bag on his head was removed, and he was thrown into a room.

“Noah,” Skye said.

He looked to see her over him. Tears were trailing down her cheeks, and she was shaken. He was transported back to their captivity all over again.


Not this time. He was going to save them both. He would kill Mitch now. He wasn’t drugged, nor would he ever allow himself to be again.

“You know, I figured there was something interesting about the two of you, and I’m right. You don’t know when to stay gone.” Mitch checked his fingernails.

Noah didn’t like how fucking happy he looked. Where was the other guy? The one who put a bag over his head?

“You’ve been here the whole time?” Noah asked.

“Of course. Why would I fucking leave? My house may be gone, but I’ve never allowed a pet to go, especially not two. I don’t leave until all of my mess is cleaned up.”

“Who is working with you?” Noah asked.

“Ah, you’re wondering about that now? It’s true. I don’t work alone. It helps me to know when to move my operation. You two though, I stayed behind because with you two, I had a feeling.”

“A feeling?” Skye asked.

“You’re both young. I didn’t have time to completely break you. You’re too cocky and always need answers to questions that are none of your business. I knew you’d come back.” Mitch clapped his hands together. “And I was right, but I had to be ready for when you came back, so I’ve got this little place.”

“If you’re here … how are you not in prison?” Skye asked.

“Well, you see, I’ve got a brother. He’s very special to me, but he’s got an illness, shall we say? Something his job can feed but only so much.”

Skye took his hand as they heard footsteps approaching.

This was bad. Noah didn’t like where this was going one bit. He held her hand, trying to offer her comfort.

“It is good to see you, Skye. I’m shocked that you even came here though. You know, after our special time together.”