Page 24 of Teacher's Pet

“Lizbeth to lie for him!”

The door opened, I pulled my phone away and both of us shut up and sat back, doing our best to act casual, which was near impossible considering how hard I was raging inside.

“So,” the dean said as he sat down uncomfortably close beside me. “Have you two had enough time to discuss things?”

I looked at Christy, who simply nodded, doing her best to still look miserable and used.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Good,” Dean Warmer chuckled. “Very good.”

You have no idea, you bastard, I thought as he began to speak. You have no idea…

Chapter Thirteen


Office hours. I hated office hours because nobody ever came. These days, with a TA and online study groups, nobody wanted one-on-one time with the professor, and the only girl I would want one-on-one time with had left my house about an hour ago and was probably in class right now or doing homework.

I couldn’t get her out of my mind, and sitting alone in my empty office waiting for students to come by who I knew wouldn’t be coming was only making it harder. It…

I wasn’t completely full mast, but that didn’t stop the enormous bulge from showing in my pants. If some random girl decided to come in for some extra help right now or questions on the syllabus, I’d have slide under the desk or use my laptop to cover it up. It was incredible. I’d blown two huge loads inside of her already, and she was all I could think about still.

Lizbeth…my Lizbeth…

I was in love. It was strange to realize, but it was true. That thing that I’d been missing in my life, it had been her. Holding out had been the right decision, because now that I’d found her, I knew that all those other girls I’d turned down had been worth it.

She was all I needed. Now and forever.

“Fuck this,” I groaned, getting up from my desk. No one was coming, and there were only seven minutes left until office hours were over. But as I was grabbing my bag, someone stepped into the room.

“Cutting out early?” Dean Warmer asked. “Should I add ‘not being available for scheduled office hours’ to your charges at the hearing?”

“What do you want, Chuck?” I growled, fighting the urge to break his face.

“Looking excited there, Caleb,” he said, nodding to my bulge.

“Oh, you know how I get when I see you, Chuck,” I sneered.

“More like when you see that little slut you convinced to take her clothes off for you.”

My fists balled at my sides. “Watch it, Chuck!”

“Go ahead, tough guy!” he snarled. “Hit me! Do it. Go ahead and fucking do it.”

He actually wanted me to, the son of a bitch. He knew that if I assaulted him here, I’d be out on my ass by the end of the day and I’d probably in jail. But still, it was tempting.

“How do you convince them to do it, Caleb? Tell me. What’s the move you use?”

“Why don’t you ask your wife, Chuck?” I growled. It was a low blow, but he deserved it. If he was going to get down in the mud and play dirty, I would too.

“You know, Caleb…you have no idea what’s coming for you, do you?”

“Whatever that girl has to say, Chuck, it’s all lies and you know it. We never had any time one-on-one and there’s no way she or you can prove otherwise!”

“You know, that might be true, Professor,” he sneered as he sat his big fat ass right on top of my desk. “But there’s another, crucial piece of information that you’re forgetting about.”

“Yeah? What’s that?”