Page 9 of Teacher's Pet

Professor Grey smiled like the devil he was and for a split second I thought he was about to slide inside. But he shook his head and my heart sank.

“I can’t,” he groaned. “I wish I could, but this is—this is very important and can’t wait. I’ll explain later.”

I actually whimpered like a sad puppy as he took a step back and I was deprived of the warmth and the weight of his cock pressed against my little puffy mound. He nodded and took a deep breath.

“You’re coming to class on Wednesday.” It sounded like a question in a way, but was more like he was commanding me.

“Of course,” I smiled. “I’m a good student.”

“Oh, yes, you are, princess,” he said as he tried to stuff his enormous erection back into his pants. In the end, he settled for aiming it straight up against his lower stomach and tucking it into his waistband, leaving his top button undone. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go have one of the most important meetings of my life with a raging hard-on.”

Before I could reply, he leaned in and kissed me the way old lovers did. There was something there beyond the physical. There was trust.

“And I’ll see you in class on Wednesday, princess,” he told me. “And we can finish your exam.”

Chapter Five


I was all kinds of fucked up as I stepped out of my office into the hall, doing my best to position my shirt in a way that it would cover up my hard cock. I stuffed my hands into my pockets too, hoping they would blend into my bulge and make it less obvious. But goddamn if I wasn’t still on fire for her.

And I was right; she was innocent. Untouched until she met me.

Her pussy was beautiful, a perfect little mound between her legs, slick with her sweetness. I could still taste her on my lips and tongue.

Lizbeth Brady…I thought. More like Lizbeth Grey.

And I’d been so close. So close to claiming her as mine, taking her right there on my desk—a naughty teacher and a student fucking after class. Hell, I’d even let the class out early, and that was not like me. The first day of the semester was usually when I cracked the whip, worked them hard and let them know who was boss. But when I’d seen her, my princess from the night before, I knew I couldn’t make it another minute, let alone another forty-five.

She was what I was missing. Lizbeth. The missing piece to my puzzle, the final ingredient. She would make me whole. In fact, she already had.

“Hey, Grey!” a voice called out from behind me. I turned to see Mick Wagner leaning casually in his office door, that same shit-eating grin he always had on his face. Mick was a recent hire, an arrogant prick from Stamford brought here to teach comp-sci. He was one of those guys who thought he was better-looking than he was and thought all the girls wanted to fuck him when in reality they just thought he was a creep. “Gettin’ that dick wet yet, buddy?”

“Shut the fuck up, Wagner,” I growled.

“Oooh, touchy,” he chuckled, walking up to me. He pulled out his phone and showed it to me. “You know what this is?”

There was a name: Jennifer, and beneath it, a phone number.

“Congratulations, Wags,” I nodded. “You got a number.”

“Told her we were gonna work on her math,” he smirked. “But really I’m just gonna show her my eight-equals-equals-equals-equals-D, know what I’m saying?”


“They teach comedy at Stamford, Wags?”

“Nope. But if they did, I’d have an A in that too.”

“You’re a big A, Wagner. A big asshole.”

The prick just chuckled as I turned my back on him and made my way to the dean’s office. He was gonna get himself in trouble with behavior like that—probably fired within a year, two tops. From the way he talked, I sometimes wondered if he’d taken his teaching profession just to have access to girls.

He was obnoxious, but I’d forgotten about him by the time I turned the corner. All I could think about was her.

I wanted to please her.

I wanted to introduce her to all the pleasure she’d never experience—to slide my fat cock inside her virgin pussy, stretch her out and have her screaming my name and lying on the bed, panting, dick drunk when I was done with her. I’d had a taste, but had been deprived my full meal. But no matter what, I was going to have her.