Page 43 of Reckoning

Right now, I was happy, and I allowed myself to live in the moment.

It was all going to change soon, but I’d deal with it then. I smiled as I watched him mix me a second cocktail and took it graciously when he offered it to me. I took a small sip, wanting to quench my thirst and a momentary sadness passed over me at the fact that I was washing away the taste of him.

I’d never taste him like that again.

I pushed that painful thought away as soon as it came over me. With a deep breath, I took another sip.

“Thanks, Daddy,” I said softly.

“It’s my pleasure, little girl.” he answered.

His smile was gorgeous. The way his eyes glinted with satisfaction and complete happiness just melted me from the inside out. I was thankful to be sitting down because every time he smiled in my direction, my legs turned to jelly, and the seat of my panties grew wet.

“When does your flight leave?” I asked while sipping the delicious mimosa.

“In just about an hour and a half,” he answered.

My own smile faltered when I realized how short of a time that I had left with him, and I looked down as quickly as I could. Swirling the liquid slowly in the flute, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking that I would likely never see that face again because when I left, I was going to have to go back to the Father and tell him about how I had failed the organization.

“You should probably start packing,” I said, still staring at the table.

“It’s already done. I have people for that sort of thing,” he answered, and my gaze tore back up at him.

“Here now?” I squealed and he grinned dangerously.

I didn’t even need to ask. I knew the answer already. They’d probably heard everything that happened here in the kitchen between him and me.

They’d probably heard me call him Daddy too.

* * *

Once Dean left, I spent the day traversing the house. I explored everything, trying to find as much information out about him as I could, but he was a careful man, and he hid it well. I found out nothing more than I already knew. There were several locked doors and no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get them open.

I made phone calls to several of my connections, but none of them could break through the technology to get the doors open. There was one that I was able to pick the lock and enter, which seemed to be the compound security command center. From the view on the monitors, there were cameras everywhere. From the front door to the back door, there didn’t seem to be a place that wasn’t covered from my initial observations. Upon closer inspection though, I realized that there were a number of blind spots. The service entrances had a number of angles that I could sneak through without coming into the camera’s view.

Most of the hallways were under constant surveillance, however. For the first day, I watched the comings and goings of several of the wait staff. After I was sure I understood the schedule, I disappeared into the massive closet Dean had provided and put together an outfit close enough that it might mimic the uniform of the cleaning staff that visited once a day.

When they were there that day, I carefully mixed myself into the fray, and judiciously kept my face hidden from all the cameras. When they left, they exited the back service entrance one by one, and I followed a few minutes after. I didn’t walk straight out of the house though; I dove to the right side into the bushes and hid there until the sun set. Dean’s cameras had a night vision function, but not a thermal one so it wouldn’t pick up body heat. If I kept myself well hidden behind the shrubbery, I’d be able to buy myself enough time to get out.

I knew he’d figure out my ploy eventually. That was fine.

I just needed to disappear faster than he figured me out.

The sun began to set, and I knew the light caused a small glare in the camera from between the trees. I slinked along the house and slowly made my way toward the walking path I’d seen from his bedroom window. I knew the glint from the sun would last a good ten minutes, so I rushed along the lavish landscaping until I was sure that I was far enough to disappear out of range and into the trees.

I jogged along that path, tearing off the outer layer of clothing and hiding it in the thick brush along the edge. I was in dark jeans and a black long-sleeve shirt, as well as a pair of gray hiking boots now. I moved fast enough so that the descending chill only just began to settle in my bones. I ran a bit faster, and my body started to heat until I felt warm.

I reached the end of the path faster than I anticipated. I strolled along the streets of the small town, finding it quiet. There weren’t very many people wandering around after dark and when I stumbled upon an old telephone booth, I slipped inside.

I didn’t have any change, but I didn’t need any. I knew the direct number of the Father for emergencies like this. I picked up the old phone and held it to my ear.

With a deep breath, I dialed in the seven-digit code that would call him from any location no matter what.

It rang several times, and I held my breath, and then I finally heard his voice for the first time in more than a year.


His gravelly voice always caught me off guard. His breath wheezed just a little at the end, and it felt sort of like a warning siren.