Page 54 of Reckoning

“I know what you’re doing, little girl. You’re trying to use this beautiful body to tempt Daddy, but he knows you by now. You’re going to be punished tonight. You don’t have a say in that, but if you’re a very good girl, Daddy might just reward you after it’s over. If you’re a bad girl though, he’ll leave you tied to his bed as a very wet, very needy, and a very, very sorry little girl. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I whispered. His fingers were relentless, and my core grew tighter and tighter until I was sure I would burst from the fiery heat of my need alone.

“Good. Now come hard on Daddy’s fingers. I want to feel your body shake against mine,” he demanded, and I was so wound up that I nearly fell apart right there with his command.

The fear and the tension melted away in that moment. The only thing that mattered was his fingers between my thighs.

Not the Fixer. Not the family. Not the Father. Nothing.

It was me and Daddy now. The two of us together. No one else.

My thighs started to quiver, and my hips rocked back and forth of their own accord. The whole thing felt sordidly wrong at the same time that it felt perfectly right.

“That’s it, little girl. Come hard for Daddy,” he insisted, and my entire body trembled. I moaned quietly. I tried to keep silent, but as his fingers teased my clit even more firmly, it soon became impossible. Before long, I was forced to cover my own mouth for fear that someone might hear me. That didn’t slow him down either. Not even in the slightest.

I couldn’t hold back.

I missed him. I wanted him and now he was here with me.

I shattered into a million pieces. My orgasm captured me in its clutches and refused to let me go. My screams echoed, only vaguely muted by my own hand. My core cramped down hard, and my inner walls fluttered, desperate to feel the iron-hard cock still pressed up against me. His body was cocooned around mine and I couldn’t help but bask in the warm sheltering feeling that surrounded me because of it. He was so big and strong.

He was my safe place.

My thighs trembled a bit harder and one wave of pleasure after another assaulted my senses. He didn’t let up or slow down, and I lost myself in the consuming depraved depths of my desire.

“Oh, Daddy,” I pleaded.

“Good girl,” he purred, and those words hurtled me even higher into the blissful clouds of blazing hot ecstasy. Swirling pleasure hurtled through me with wild abandon and when it finally started to ebb away, I was left breathless and panting. His fingers drew away from my pussy, but my clit never stopped throbbing and my thighs didn’t stop trembling.

Hesitantly, I uncovered my lips and drew in one shaky breath after the next. My heart was pounding in my chest and almost as if he knew I needed his support, his arm wound around my waist and pulled me firmly against him.

“Daddy,” I whimpered.

“Shhh, little girl. Daddy’s got you. Daddy’s going to keep you safe,” he said firmly and for the first time, I really believed him.

I closed my eyes.

It wasn’t even hard to call him Daddy anymore. It felt natural and I couldn’t put a finger on when that had happened, but it really didn’t matter.

“Why me? Why do you care if I live or die? Why do I deserve a man like you?” I murmured. I don’t know why I even asked that. I felt raw and open and so utterly exposed that the words just flew out of my mouth before I could stop them.

Without pause, he turned me and pressed my back up against the wall. There was no roughness in the movement. His body framed mine with gentleness and it caught me off guard, but more important, it made me listen.

“Do you really not know, little girl?” he asked, and I shook my head. I peered up into those soulful blue eyes with confusion.

“I… No, Daddy,” I whispered.

He cupped my chin with both hands and traced his thumbs along my cheekbones.

“I love you, little girl. Twice you’ve run from me and twice I’ve let you go. I’m not going to allow you to run from me a third time. I’m not going to allow you to run ever again,” he said, his words fierce.

My mouth went dry, and my heart pulsed heavy in my chest.

I’d fought this every step of the way. I’d told myself over and over again that Dean and I were never meant to be. I’d insisted that I hadn’t had feelings for him so many times that I almost believed it, but he’d been the only man that I’d regretted having to leave. I’d imagined a life with him more times than I could count even though I shouldn’t.

This was wrong. I’d been forbidden to fall for anyone long ago.

But here he was. He’d found me and he wasn’t about to let me go.