Page 61 of Reckoning

After those few initial slaps though, his hand turned a whole lot harder. Had his palm suddenly turned to wood? How could it hurt so much more than before?

I realized then that he’d been holding back all those times before. He’d wanted to sen

d a message then, sure, but right now felt so much different. This was a punishment that even I admitted that I needed, and he was ensuring that I was going to remember every last second of it. His palm cracked hard against the upper curves of my cheeks, descending to punish even down to the middle of my thighs.

At once, I struggled to take it and I understood why he’d placed me in this position in the first place. I couldn’t kick or squirm my way out of this. I couldn’t pull forward or propel my way backwards.

I swallowed hard. This was only going to end when he decided it would. I already knew that my pleas for mercy would fall on deaf ears. I’d earned this and Daddy was going to see it through.

His spanks increased in intensity, smacking me faster and harder as more time went on. I tried to keep silent for as long as I could. I tried not to show him how much it hurt.

I deserved this. I deserved for it to hurt.

But it was hard. It was so very hard.

His palm punished the lower curve of my bottom at the same time that his leg positioned my hips a bit higher. I felt like my entire bottom was swollen and on display and my punishment had hardly even began.

At first, the branding of his hand simply felt warm, but as the spanking continued it grew hotter and hotter until it felt like my entire backside was suspended over an open flame. The longer it went on, the more vigorous the spanking became until I couldn’t keep my lips locked together anymore.

I cried out, a strangled weeping sound that echoed far louder than I wanted it to.

“Daddy, please,” I begged.

“Little girl, your punishment is just getting started. Daddy hasn’t even put the ginger inside your naughty little bottom,” he warned, and I whimpered fearfully.

“Please, don’t,” I cried out.

“Do you decide how you’re punished, little girl?”

“No, Daddy,” I wailed.

His hand was so hard and so utterly relentless that it made just speaking difficult. My toes tapped against the floor. I wanted to reach back to protect myself, yet I didn’t. I knew he wouldn’t allow that, so I wrapped my fingers around his ankle instead. I simply held onto him because that’s what I needed.

There was a certain intimacy in being naked over his knee like this. His body pressed against mine felt so much more personal. I felt so much closer to him even though his hand was blazing a real message into my bare backside.

I’d run from him. I’d hidden things from him and now I was paying the price.

I expected to feel angry that he was punishing me this way, but I wasn’t. I was safe over his knee and when it was over, I knew he would hold me.

I knew the guilt I’d felt for so long would be washed away. The terror I’d felt from the family would be a distant memory and then the two of us could move on to focus on what was important.

We’d be able to focus on us.

His palm peppered the backs of my thighs so hard that it was hard to catch my breath. I knew without a doubt that I would have trouble sitting the next day and he hadn’t even begun to use the wooden spoon.

“Oh, please,” I pleaded.

He paused for a long moment, likely admiring his handiwork and I took the brief respite to catch my breath. My bottom already felt scorched, and my thighs burned as if they were still ablaze.

“Has anyone ever punished your bottom hole before, little girl?” he asked, and I shook hard.

“No, Daddy,” I answered pleadingly.

“Do you think that’s about to change, little girl?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I cried out. “Please. You don’t have to do this.”

“Daddy has to make sure you’re properly punished, little girl. He wants to make sure you always remember that he cares for you,” he continued, and my lips opened and shut with quiet surprise. His fingertips petted up and down my scalded globes. He relaxed the hold he had on the backs of my legs. I hoped against hope my spanking was over and that he was going to let me up.