Page 33 of Savage Kiss

I get just enough time to register the sensation of his palm against mine. Then two things happen at once. The boat explodes and I pass out.



I wake up with a strong sense of déjà vu. I’m in bed, back on the island like I never left. Like when I tried to escape last time.

The doctor is standing next to me. I can’t remember his name. Leo is nowhere to be seen.

“Back in the land of the living,” the doctor says, glancing at the time. “Eight oh four. Not a bad night’s sleep.”

“I slept all night?”

“Pretty much. I’m concerned to hear you keep passing out.” He shines a light in both my eyes. “How are you feeling?”

“All right, I guess.”

“What’s the last thing you remember?”

I think hard. “The boat. It was on fire. There was an explosion when it hit the beach.” I sit bolt upright in bed. “Leo? What happened to Leo? Is he all right?”

“He’s absolutely fine, thanks to you. He told me what you did. That was pretty brave with the engine about to explode like that.”

“I didn’t know it was going to blow up. I just couldn’t watch him sit there with the fire and everything.”

“Yeah. Flames seem to follow him around like a bad penny.”

“He’s really okay?”

“He got lucky, no harm done. Just some cuts and grazes where the metal scraped his leg. He’ll be absolutely fine. As will you, as long as you can stay conscious long enough. How many times have you passed out since you went in the water?”

“I’m not sure. Three or four.”

“The fact that you can’t tell exactly troubles me. If it happens again, I’m taking you to hospital. I’m limited with the tests I can run on you here. Might need to take a closer look at that brain of yours. Can you walk for me? Just make sure everything’s working how it should.”

I climb out of bed. I’m still wearing the clothes I had on yesterday. They smell damp.

Sand falls from me as I make my way in a circle around the room. “Any dizziness?” the doctor asks.

“Not really but I can’t remember your name, sorry.”

“I’m putting that down to the fact I didn’t mention it rather than a brain issue. It’s Nicolas Fontaine. Everyone calls me Nicky.”

“Hi, Dr. Nick.”

“Please, don’t do that.”

“You heard that one before?”

“All through medical school.”

“I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.”

“Appreciate it. Look, the best thing you can do now is get some food down you. Leo’s in the dining room. My prescription is you join him and eat plenty. It’ll give you some energy.”

“What if I pass out again?”

“I’ll hang around for the rest of the day, make sure nothing else happens.”