Page 54 of Savage Kiss

“Then we shoot the bastard in the face. Let’s move.”

He nods at me and then gets moving again. “You want to get dressed first?” he asks as we head for the door.

“I don’t want to waste time.”

“At least put some shoes on. I’ll wait.”

I sprint upstairs to my room, grab a pair of sneakers and a jacket from the wardrobe and then run back to find him already in the chopper. The rotors are speeding up as I climb inside. “Strap in,” he says. “Hate for you to hurt yourself while I’m meant to be watching you.”

I click my harness in place and watch as we lift into the air, the island shrinking below us.

Leo told me to stay put. I’m breaking his rules yet again.

But I couldn’t leave Fleur to her fate. I have to save her. I just hope that by the time we get there, it’s not too late.



I look around me at the crew I’ve assembled. All good men. All done several jobs for my father. None of them hungover despite the amount we put away last night.

It was an odd gathering. Something about it felt fatalistic, like we knew me might not all be coming back from this.

Everyone knows the rumors that swirl around Giorgio Amato. They’ve all heard the tales of the deaths he’s caused, the strings he’s pulled to make shit happen.

Terrorists need explosives. He supplies them. Man wants his cheating wife whacked. He’ll supply the number of the hitman. Woman wants her husband killed because she doesn’t want him to find out about the affair. Done. Done. Done.

A man like that who hides in the shadows is not going to be easy to take down. I’ve got three men with me and they all know their roles.

At the far end of the van is Vinny. He’s telling those awful jokes of his, making all the facial gestures, gurning like mad, making the others laugh, helping to break the tension. He’s been working for the family since he ran away from his foster home and moved to the city. How long ago was that? He was an adult when I was a kid so he’s got to be in his late fifties now. Still got jet black hair though I’m guessing he’s been dying it for a while as his stubble’s white as snow.

Next to him, Monty is sharpening his blade, saying nothing, not a word. He’s already in the zone. He won’t come out of it until the job’s done. Face as sharp as the knife, pointed chin, thin fingers that have taken out a lot of untouchable men in his time.

Opposite me is Greg, the youngest of us all and also the most dangerous. He’s got some switch in his head that he flicks when he needs to, turns off his fear. I’ve seen him face down death without so much as flinching. He’s looking at a photo, saying nothing. “New girl?” I ask.

He turns it around to face me. “Got engaged last month,” he says. “Who’d have guessed it, eh?”

“You better be careful today then. Don’t want you sent back to her in pieces.”

Vinny calls across to us. “No worries boss. We’ll be in and out, just like Greg will be on the honeymoon.” He makes a gesture with his face and Greg grunts a half laugh.

“Any chance of using Vinny as bait?” he asks.

“That’s the plan.”

Monty chips in for the first time since we set off. “Are you sure about this, Leo? If the intel’s off, the Feds aren’t going to let this one go.”

“Got it direct from Don Caruso himself.”

“What if he’s bullshitting you?”

“He barely had the energy to talk after the interrogation. He knows if he’s lying, I kill his daughter in front of him before taking his life.”

“Slowly, I hope,” Vinny shouts.

“The intel’s good. I’m sure of it.”

Monty shrugs. “It doesn’t sound legit. Amato’s leading a double life like he’s fucking Superman or something? Major league asshole by night, mild mannered college professor by day, is that it?”