Page 7 of Savage Kiss

He sounds on the verge of tears. “I need the money, Anna. I need a million or I’m dead. We’re all dead. You’ve got to help. I’ve got no one left to ask.”

“What happened to your money?”

“I invested it. Please, Anna. You’ve got to help me out. We’re a family. We’ve got to look after each other. That’s what families do.”

“Dad, as I recall, you threw me out of the house, told me you never wanted to hear from me again. Told me I was cut off, that I had to make my own way in the world.”

“I was angry, all right? Water under the bridge?”

“You told me I was dead to you. Told me to never call, never write, never visit.”

“Yes, yes, I know all that.”

“Why are you asking me for help?”

“Because I’m desperate. Listen to me, Anna. You’ve got to sell that skeleton. I can find you the right fence to get rid of it on the black market. He’ll pay two mil’. You take one and I’ll take the other. You’ll be rich.”

“I’m hanging up now.”

“No, please, you don’t understand. We’re all dead if you don’t do this. Mom, me, you. We’re all dead. You’ve got to do it. You’ve got to help me.”

“Goodbye, Dad.”

I hang up the phone and block his number. “You’re right,” I tell Fleur as she stands with her arms folded, watching me in silence. “I should have blocked him years ago.”

“Let me guess, he wanted money.”


“How much this time?”

“Oh, only a million bucks.”

“What does he think a paleontologist’s salary is?”

“He told me he’s got a buyer on the black market for the Gorgosaurus, willing to pay two million and he’ll split the profits fifty fifty.”

“Wow. Generous of him.”

“Yeah. Now can we get back to work?”

“Did he say anything else?”

“That the family dies if I don’t find the money.”

“You believe him this time?”

“I’ve lost count of how many times he’s dead if I don’t lend him money. I’ve yet to give him a cent but he’s still alive and kicking.”

“That before or after he threw you out?”

“Before. He’s always been a liar. I’ve never known that man to tell the truth in his life.”

“How are you even related to him?”

“Bad luck, I guess. Now come on before Gorgo comes back to life and eats us both.”

I’ve barely climbed down into the trench before Fleur taps me on the shoulder again. “Whatever it is, I’m not interested,” I tell her. “Get the jawbone out and we’re home free.”