Marcel threw away the cigarette and stepped away from the wall. “That’s me.”

The stranger stood so close to Marcel the tips of their shoes were almost touching, but when Marcel pulled money out of his pocket, Gray barely kept from screaming out in frustration. Marcel. Of course. Did he need cocaine to stay up with his books that bit longer?

The dealer took the cash and stepped away. “Wait here,” he said and stuffed his hands down his pockets, heading toward the parking lot.

Hell no.

Gray didn’t even need to ask Shadow to come with him. They both moved at the same time. Gray climbed down the drainpipe, Shadow jumped off, and they followed the dealer down the dark street like two hungry wolves. So maybe Gray was no fan of annoying brats, but they were all family in a sense.

The guy’s car was parked in an unlit street just off the parking lot, which would make their job easier. When Shadow’s form gave a strange rustling sound in preparation for attack, Gray stopped him with a gesture. “I might be a bit older than when we met, but I still got it.”

Shadow snorted and shamelessly squeezed Gray’s ass. “Go on then,” he rasped, hungry for bloodshed.

Gray had worn his favorite shoes tonight. Soft to the point of being uncomfortable sometimes, they made little to no sound, and he approached the dealer so silently the guy only noticed him when pulling back from inside the car. Metal flashed in his hand, but Gray grabbed him on either side of the wrist and twisted.

The gun fell to the floor of the vehicle, but the dealer tried to stalk away, hugging the broken joint to his chest. Gray kicked him in the chest so hard the bastard slid to the pavement, staring up with wide eyes.

Gray knew he wasn’t the type of man who commanded fear and respect, but it was for the better. “You should rethink your career choices.”

The guy held his wrist close to his chest. “You’re not gonna be so tough when you hear from my crew,” he said through clenched teeth.

Gray chuckled. Wow. That again. “You’re not going to be so tough either when you hear from Lee’s father and his crew. Consider this your final warning. You try something, and we’ll exterminate all of you rats.”

Cogs must have moved in that empty head. The dealer nodded, and got into his car with his tail between his legs. He drove off with a squeak of wheels against the asphalt.

Hopefully losing his money to some shitbag would teach Marcel a lesson.

Gray was about to turn around when warm arms pulled him against his man’s firm chest.

“Love seeing you work,” Shadow whispered into his ear.

The end

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