Maybe Lana and Xavier would end up staying after all? Marcel would surely benefit from having a friend his own age.

The seclusion of the play-castle offered Laurent an excellent view of the surrounding area. He dangled his feet high above the ground, feeling like a medieval knight scouring the area for the approach of his king. He could only hope that the lack of phone calls didn’t mean Beast had been arrested.

The kiss they’d shared had been a physical reminder of the closeness Laurent had never felt with anyone before Beast. When he’d watched handsome men, when he had become enamoured with William Fane, it had been lust and need for safety that had guided his actions, not love. But Beast was neither a provider nor protector for Laurent, even if he fulfilled both those functions nevertheless. It was his heart, decent at the core and willing to help Laurent regardless of whether he’d get something in return or not, that made Laurent trust him. Desire him in a way he’d never desired anyone else. And now that he sat on his own in the dark, desperately listening and watching the small park, he was faced with the outcome of his own pettiness.

The world could be ending within days for all they knew. And what was he doing? Antagonizing the man who loved him and losing the only time they might have left. Laurent had his own ideas of how they should proceed, and the apologies he required, but maybe he shouldn’t try to impose his own values on Beast and be more open minded. After all, regardless of his doubts regarding Marcel, Beast had promised to fulfill his duty to their son. If that was all he could give, would the future be so bad?

Laurent rubbed his eyes, agonizing over the selfishness he now recognized in his own behavior. Beast didn’t hesitate for a moment when he realized Marcel’s safety was at stake. He stopped whatever he’d been doing all day and risked his freedom to retrieve their son. He did care, and Laurent, in his self-centered view of the world, ignored his husband’s positive actions, instead choosing to wait until Beast changed to appease him.

He’d not been fair, and now he itched to apologize while Beast’s steady arms cradled him close.

The soft thud of footsteps was like a wind chime in the quiet of the night, and Laurent’s head turned in its direction. His heart skipped a beat, but his eyes weren’t any better at seeing in low light, despite the surgery and the beautiful glasses his husband had gifted to him. Still, he looked on until the shadows on the other side of the street revealed a tall, wide-shouldered form. Laurent knew it was Beast even before the figure stopped by their parked car and peeked inside. Laurent was yet to see a man more imposing in size.

“Over here!” he called out, smiling in relief. He placed Marcel in the corner of the little tower.

Beast looked like a different man in the overalls. He usually sported a leather jacket that proclaimed to the world who he was. Just thinking about it made Laurent miss his own vest. How could he have ever parted from Beast’s name on his back? This situation once again proved how many things there were still left to improve in his character. He needed to be more understanding, more forgiving if he was to be a good father to Marcel. And a good husband to Beast.

Beast looked up, and while Laurent couldn’t see his face in the dark, there was spring to his gait when he headed toward the playground. Heat erupted inside Laurent before they even touched, and when he realized that he was sitting too high up to hug Beast, his first reaction was to push his hips forward in order to jump off the wooden platform. Before he could have slid off, Beast circled Laurent’s waist with his arms and rested his forehead against his stomach.

Laurent gasped and hugged Beast’s head. “I’m so sorry,” was the first thing he was able to choke out. He took a deep inhale of Beast’s scent, his heart already aching with so much love he couldn’t handle it.

Beast tightened his hold on Laurent and rubbed his tailbone through the clothes. “You made it in one piece. I was worried,” he admitted after a moment’s silence.

“I wasn’t the one evading police. Beast, it was so brave of you. I don’t know where I would be without you.” He kissed the top of Beast’s head. He rarely had an opportunity to be above his tall man, but now he wanted to move his lips all over the scarred scalp.

Despite the low light, Laurent could still see the glint in Beast’s eyes. “Lost. You would be lost. But I was lost too before you came here, so I guess we’re even.”