And then, Gray’s eyes opened, revealing the most beautiful color there was—two twin ponds of green and brown, with a black island in the middle, which shrunk slightly as the eyelids moved up, uncovering more of the eyes.

Shadow stroked Gray’s arm and wanted to smile, but then remembered that men with brooding expressions were considered more attractive, so he just nodded.

“Feeling better?”

Gray blinked, his brows gathering into a slight frown as he took in the bedroom before settling his gaze on Shadow. “Hey… is everything okay?”

“Yes, I’ve been taking your calls, and all is being taken care of. Your wound’s been healing nicely.” He leaned down and gave Gray a kiss.

Gray’s fingers rubbed Shadow’s side. “Wow, are you my new personal assistant? How long have I been out?”

“Almost five days now. We’ve arranged that you would call the club once you’re up. I’ve been putting salve on your wound, but I’ve restrained myself from touching you inappropriately.” Because he was a good man, and good men didn’t take advantage of someone who was unconscious.

Gray’s brows lowered over his eyes. “Err… I sure hope so. Why do you feel the need to inform me about this?” he asked and slowly rose into a sitting position, pushing hair away from his eyes.

Shadow’s shoulders slumped. He wanted to communicate that he’d been treating Gray with respect, but going by Gray’s expression, it was better to shut up about it. “Just thought you’d want to know.” He stroked Gray’s hip, relieved to see his lover moving again.

Gray cleared his throat and reached for the bottle of water standing on the bedside table. “Why—Jesus Christ, what is this place?” he asked, staring at the cascade of artificial flowers descending down the wall.

“You don’t remember? I brought you here. It’s one of Mr. Magpie’s rooms in his building.”

Shadow ran his fingers over Gray’s slightly greasy hair. Even like this he seemed so perfect Shadow could eat him up and suck the marrow out of his bones.

Gray chuckled and leaned into him with a soft smile. “I should have assumed as much. That man has a really strange taste. This place looks like tunnel of love.”

Shadow nuzzled Gray’s cheek, eager to give him a hug. “What’s that? I like the sound of it.”

Gray stretched and, after the briefest hug, slid out of bed and lazily made his way toward the tub. “It’s a carnival ride for couples.”

“We should do that. Because we’re a couple. Right? We are a couple?”

Shadow followed him all the way to the swan-shaped tub, eager to see Gray naked, and just as he’d hoped, Gray turned on the water.

He looked back at Shadow, letting his hand linger on the porcelain wing of the swan. “It could be fun, yeah. As long as you promise not to tell the guys,” he said before pulling off his T-shirt.

The wound had already closed, and only a raised, discolored scar remained of the injury that had given Shadow such a fright five days ago.

“Because it will be private?” Shadow stroked Gray’s shoulders, all too eager for connection after days of forced separation. All he needed to do, according to the advice he’d watched, was act confident.

Gray smirked as he took off his remaining clothes. “Yes. They wouldn’t get it.”

“Did you dream about me?” Shadow pulled Gray into an embrace, but Gray gently pushed back and got into the tub instead. Since when was a swan more interesting than him?

A smirk quirked Gray’s lips as he sat in the shallow water and took hold of the showerhead. “Maybe…”

Shadow’s instinct was to follow, to touch, to kiss, but apparently it could put off a lover if a man ‘tried too hard’, so he leaned against the side of the tub instead, just taking in all of the beauty in front of him.

“You did.”

“I did. And in those dreams, I might have touched you too,” Gray said in a playful tone before dousing his hair with warm water. The stream foamed up as it dripped down his arms and muscular chest, spraying off the perky nipples.

Excitement was always an undercurrent in Shadow’s body when he was around Gray, but it was heating up as quickly as the water inside the tub. He ran his hand over Gray’s strong thigh, already dreaming of lying between Gray’s legs, with his cock deep inside that beloved body.

“Does nothing hurt anymore? We could make those dreams a reality very soon.”

Gray splashed water at him and laughed, pouring shampoo on his head. “I’m too weak now. Must. Eat. First.”

Shadow stalled, thrown off his game. It didn’t feel natural to force the issue, but then again he’d listened to a lot of advice about being persistent.

“Are you sure it can’t wait?” Shadow slid his fingers between Gray’s legs, gasping when the flesh twitched under his touch.

Gray chuckled, massaging the red gel into his hair until it turned into thick foam. “I haven’t eaten in days. I feel like my stomach is the size of a peanut.”