Laurent snatched the egg off the pillow and took a step back with it. “It’s complicated!”

Gray’s hand—one, because he’d walked too far away from Shadow to keep the other arm—squeezed so hard his tendons and muscles ached. “There’s nothing complicated about this. If I don’t have a fucking ruby by the next new moon, my partner’s going to die!”

Beast avoided Gray’s gaze, but the way he stood between him and Laurent told Gray all he needed to know about what would happen if Gray chose to fight over the fucking ruby-dusted egg. What a fucking waste.

“Nothing’s gonna come from shouting at each other. I told you we will help. You already have the ghost’s ruby. It’s small, but now that the Pigeon Heart is secured, we can look for more as soon as tomorrow.”

“We had a ruby right here, on your finger! And no one’s going to help me out tomorrow, because everyone’s wasted! What could have been so important? We grew up together, like blood brothers, and you can’t give away a freaking piece of jewelry so that I don’t have to spend the last few weeks of my lover’s life searching for hope that might not be there?” Gray shouted, and his voice came out so low it hurt his throat.

He couldn’t believe this.

“Gray, please. We can explain. And I’m sure everyone will do whatever they can to help you.” Laurent said but wouldn’t approach him. Maybe that was for the better, because that egg might have ended up on his head otherwise.

Did Laurent get a pet dragon or some dumb, wasteful shit like that? Because Laurent seemed to get everything he wished for. He traveled in time, he got to stay with the man whom he’d later married, and had the face of an angel on top of it all.

Couldn’t Gray be selfish this one time? He’d sacrificed so much for the club. His whole life was devoted to the Kings of Hell MC, and he’d done all the dirty jobs that his club expected of him, whether he felt morally justified or not.

Yet when for once it was he who wanted something, he was expected to keep it on the backburner. As if everyone just assumed he’d go back to his lair with his tail between his legs and wait for whatever mercy the club offered.

Beast tried to squeeze his shoulder, but Gray stepped back, not wanting to be touched. “I understand you’re upset, but—”

“You knew. You knew what was at stake for me and Shadow, and you still chose to just use it for some fancy gift for Laurent? Fuck you, Beast.”

He turned on his heel and walked out despite Beast calling him back.

That was it.

Gray could be selfish too.

Chapter 29

Would Gray have ordinarily fought to his death in order to keep the Pigeon Heart from falling into the wrong hands?

Yes. Any other time, he’d have followed protocol. Put his club first. Put everyone else’s happiness above his own. He would have done the right thing.

But why was he always the one to follow the rules? Why would he give up on his one chance at happiness for the greater good when clearly nobody was ready to do the same for him.

Nobody but Shadow. Sweet, gentle, and the very definition of loyal, Shadow deserved a full life, and Gray deserved a shot at being fulfilled for once.

So he would be selfish and bear the consequences.

For the briefest moment, he wondered if he couldn’t ask Jake to take on a pact for him, but even if Baal were happy to oblige, the consequences could have been catastrophic. What if that last agreement were the final nail to the world’s coffin? Even Magpie didn’t know how exactly the ritual was supposed to progress beyond what had already happened in the 1950s.

If Beast was so sure they would easily find more rubies, then the Pigeon Heart wasn’t essential for the survival of all humanity. Magpie had many more rubies, so maybe the gem stolen from the Lowe Estate was just another safety measure.

Shadow would not be dying because of a precaution.

With his heart in his throat, Gray rushed through the empty corridors until he reached the wall behind which a secret passage led to the workshop and the most secure safe on the premises.

It led to the Pigeon Heart.

He stopped, raising his hand in front of the panel that opened the passage. He could already see an orange tint to the sky through the window. A new day was about to start, and depending on what would follow his act of rebellion—perhaps a completely new life for him.

The club was supposed to come first, before family, before self-interest, and any other ties. But maybe it no longer did for Gray? That thought hurt so much his heart felt like it was being ripped open, but he eventually unlocked the door and switched on the single lightbulb to illuminate the narrow passage leading underground.