The minute it had all stopped, I hadn’t wasted any time. The doctor had been pissed at me for moving her, but I had to get her out of there.

Anyone could have seen her.

I couldn’t allow my enemies to know how I felt about her.

This went way beyond taking her virginity, as I knew it did back when I first took her.

“I’m right here,” she said, pressing her face against my palm.

It still didn’t help.

I felt I was on the edge of losing my mind. I needed distance. Getting to my feet, I eased off the blanket, and rather than allow her to walk, I slid my hands beneath her legs, supporting her back at the same time.

“Earl, what are you doing?” she asked, releasing a little giggle as I carried her all the way to the kitchen.

I made sure she sat in the most secured seat, high handles surrounding her, keeping her locked into place.

She touched my hand, and I kissed the top of her head.

After going to the fridge, I stared at everything and just began to grab stuff. I wasn’t paying attention. My only concern was the woman in front of me.

With all the food picked, I decided to chop everything up, throw it into a pan, and mix it around.

Ashley stayed silent.

I didn’t know what I was doing. Onions, peppers, even potatoes chopped up went into the pan.

Giving everything a turn, I felt Ashley’s eyes on me, but she made no comment as I seasoned it and then mounded a plate high, pushing it toward her.

Without question, she picked up a fork and took a bite. As she heaved, I realized I hadn’t cooked the potatoes long enough.

“Shit. Fuck. Shit. Bastard. Cunts.” The control I’d been going for ended.

I grabbed her plate, picked it up, and launched it across the room. It smashed against the wall. Some of the peppers stuck to the wall but eventually fell down to the floor.

The skillet. The glasses. I tore the kitchen apart even as Ashley let out a scream and flinched away.

Nothing got near her.

I wasn’t going to hurt her. My anger was at how hurt she got.

Halfway through my rage, my kitchen was completely trashed, but the doorbell rang, alerting me that someone was joining us.

Running my hands down my chest, I smiled at Ashley before going to answer the door. The only way people could get to my apartment was through my men. They were all stationed at different points within the building. This way I knew, for the most part, everyone getting to my place had been vetted.

I expected the doctor. Emily came barreling into my apartment. I glared at the men who were supposed to be acting as guards.

Caleb, River, Gael, and Vadik were all with their woman.

This pissed me off.

“I’m waiting for the doctor to arrive.”

“We heard about the accident,” Caleb said.

“I don’t feel so good.”

I pushed some hair from the back of her face.

Nothing could happen to her. She was too precious for this world. No one deserved her.

“You’ve done too much.” Ignoring Emily and her men, I picked up Ashley in my arms and carried her back through to our bedroom.

I lowered her to the bed.