That night, when he entered the hotel room, I knew something was going to happen before he even opened his mouth.

“Come here, Ashley.”

No hello. No asking how I was.

He’d sat through the doctor pulling out shards of glass that had been embedded in my body, tending to my bruises, and all he’d done was sit stoically as it happened.

No words.

No encouragement.

Just sat silently.

I’d hated every second of it.

Still did.

I had fallen for this man, and yet, I didn’t recognize him. No smirk. No smile. He was dead inside. His eyes gave it all away. There was nothing there.

“Earl, what’s going on?”

“Come here.”

No room to talk. An order. A strict instruction. The desire to deny him was so strong, but I knew he wasn’t ready for that. This was serious.

Getting to my feet, I walked closer to him.

I held myself perfectly still as he stroked his knuckles down my cheek. “This is for your own good.”

The next thing I felt was a sting, and I glanced down to see he held a syringe.

Instantly, my body got heavy. I felt sick. The world began spinning.

He spoke the words again.

“This is for your own good.”

Everything went black.


Everything felt heavy. My body wasn’t my own. My arms were full of lead to lift up and wipe at my eyes. Even my eyes felt sore. My lips were numb.

“Ashley,” Earl said.

Opening my eyes, I kept them open.

No blinding light. Darkness. It was night.

I tilted my head up and saw I was in a car, slumped in a seat but with the belt on. Slowly, my body began to work. I could move my arms but not quickly.

Everything around me seemed to be moving fast.

I reached up and rubbed at my eyes, looking out the car window. I knew this place. We were in the front yard of the Monsters’ main house. This was where we stayed when they were hunting the fathers.

Why were we back here?

“Good. You’re awake. I thought I’d given you too much of the sedative.”

I turned my head to look at Earl. He sat in the back with me. I noticed his driver didn’t turn to look.

“What is going on?” I asked.

“Simple. This is the end of the road. Our time together is finished. Your bags are already inside. Here is your passport and your purse.”

With each word he said, I grew more alert. Panic seized me.


“Don’t be so dramatic. In time, many men will use your cunt and take what they want. It’s the way of the world.”

I tuned him out. I didn’t want to hear him. I took my purse from him, as well as my passport. Gripping the handle of the door, I climbed out.

My body still hurt from the beating it took weeks ago. Ignoring the pain, I went to Emily. My best friend waited for me. She must have seen the despair in my face because she came out to me.

I’d known it would end like this.

Earl had never pretended to be a good man. He’d always been open, telling me right from the start what he’d wanted, and like a fool, I had thought I could make him want differently.