“I’ve never crossed Beast off my list, but I doubt that’s ever gonna happen.” Jake laughed, but he kept staring at Vars, as if he were assessing Vars’s boyfriend potential. Maybe Vars shouldn’t have gone there? He wasn’t looking for a boy of his own. He was only in the market for sex, and keeping things casual would have been difficult with someone so picture pretty.

“But you’ve done all the others? That’s a lot of dick,” Vars said, smiling at him. There, this was fine, the neutral topic of fucking. Common interests, and all that.

Jake smiled at the floor. “Yeah. I used to fuck the old prez a lot, but he died last year. And with Knight and Elliot… I mean, you’ve seen them. Can’t squeeze a slice of cheese between that, let alone a cock. So… dick’s been scarce I guess,” he mumbled the last bit.

Vars licked his lips. He’d known King, the former prez of the Kings of Hell MC. The man always had a wide smile, was popular among the ladies, a true charmer. He also used to set off Vars’s bullshit detector like hardly anyone. Vars didn’t miss seeing him at Mr. Magpie’s.

“Why don’t you fuck someone who isn’t a patch?” Vars asked, suddenly feeling heat jut from his groin down his legs. Poor Jake was complaining about not getting enough dick. It was so fucking hot. And it wasn’t for lack of opportunity. The boy was looking for someone to make the cut.

In the last few days, Vars had witnessed the mother of all sex parties thrown to celebrate Magpie’s visit. Wild would be a word to describe it, and Jake had been there too. People kept hitting on the boy, all eager to lick his rosy skin, but Jake had turned everyone down and while guests enjoyed themselves he’d spent time doing chores. Seeing Jake on his knees, cleaning Joker’s boots of spunk and other fluids had been such a turn-on, Vars could hardly be blamed for not looking away.

Jake’s voice got quieter. “I know where I stand with them. I like that. There’s no confusion about my place.”

Vars frowned. “Your place? What does this have to do with it? In sex, your place is where you want it to be. That’s the fun of it.”

Jake rolled his eyes. “How would you know? Isn’t all that stuff you’ve got in that bag meant to show guys where their place is?” The way Jake curled his knees up to his chest made Vars want to go across the room and eat him alive.

But he stayed put, eager to peel off more layers. “You think it’s easier that way? Being in control of another person? I’m not a psycho. Sometimes I worry, sometimes I feel bad when hurting a man turns me on. But all in all... it’s play.”

Jake spent a while pondering that, and Vars would sell his pinky to know what was going on it that pretty blond head. “And guys just agree to that?”

Vars smiled at him. “They know I can give them what they want.”

Jake got up and rushed for the door. “Sorry, I don’t feel so good. Go to sleep.”

Vars frowned, wondering if maybe it was the shock of the earlier punch catching up with Jake. “You sure you don’t need help?” he asked, already getting up.

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Jake said, but the way he left the room barefoot made Vars certain that something was off. Their room had heating, but the wide corridors were cold in winter.

He followed Jake into the hallway, but neither of them switched on the light, simply moving toward the pale pink glow in the single window at the end of the passage. The sun would be up soon, but that didn’t change the fact that the floor under Vars’s feet felt like rubbery ice. Each doorway was like a shadowy arch, outlined on its outer edge by the faint light creeping inside. Jake used them to guide his way. His muscular arm was outstretched, fingers tracing the wall, as if he were counting the doors.

In the end, Jake walked into the bathroom that only the two of them used, and when he turned on the light, it had that annoying flicker of electricity going on that Vars had been battling for the past few days.

Jake headed past the three toilet stalls and to the one shower at the end. The place was a relic from the times this building served as a hospital, but at least it was kept tidy.

“I told you I’m fine!” Jake growled, but the tremble in his voice meant Vars would be staying.

He leaned against the white tiles and watched Jake stumble into the stall in his T-shirt and sweatpants. “You don’t look fine. Did I get you on the head too?”