He couldn’t stop a moan escaping his lips when Vars rolled up the back of Jake’s top, causing it to ride up Jake’s front in the process. The damp fabric rubbed against his stiff nipples, only to leave them resting against cold metal. Vars kissed Jake’s back again, moving over him in a languid, teasing motion that made them both hyperaware of the burning energy between their hips. Jake’s buttocks tingled, and his hole twitched every time Vars’s leather-clad package pressed closer.

“That’s it. I don’t want any of that complaining. Be good, and I’m gonna give you what you need, regardless of what you think you want,” Vars said, pulling his teeth over Jake’s shoulder blade.

Jake had never wanted to be good this much his entire life. “Yes, please.”

Vars scratched his nails down Jake’s side, making him whimper. “Forgetting something?”

“Yes, please, sir.” Just saying that word made him so aroused he pressed his cock against the car, but it did nothing to ease the pressure in his balls.

Vars’s exhale came out trembling, and he rapidly grabbed the flesh on Jake’s back, twisting it to the point of pain. The touch confused Jake’s pleasure centres, adding to the torrents of excitement within his body.

“That’s more like it. It’s sir to you, boy. Lift yourself, but don’t move those hands from where they are.”

Jake swallowed and pushed himself up until his arms were two straight lines. Logic wasn’t part of the equation anymore, and he rubbed his crotch against the front of the hood. He lived to fulfill orders. At least he still had his back to Vars, so his face was obscured, but then he saw his own reflection in the squeaky-clean windshield, and even though it was faint, the dark flush on his cheeks was impossible to miss.

His focus darted elsewhere as soon as he noticed two hands sliding up his sides and all the way to his pecs. The sudden pull at his nipples made Jake bite his lip, but unlike the playful teasing Knight had sometimes showered on him, the squeeze intensified to the point of pain that made Jake gasp.

He twitched violently, shocked by the oddness of the sensations flooding his muscles. The pain was sharp and sudden, but then it transformed into a throbbing that sent muscle-melting heat all over. Biting back a yelp, he stayed motionless when Vars tugged on the tortured nubs and pulled the flesh the other way while settling his chin in the curve of Jake’s neck. The thick, meaty facial hair tickled Jake’s shoulder, making him gasp for air and mindlessly rock his dick against the car. He let his head roll back and rest on the strong shoulder of the man that could so completely take control with just a handful of words.

Jake wanted to be allowed to kneel at Vars’s feet and polish his boots, even if the order was to lick them clean. Jake would have still done what was required of him.

“Hurts, doesn’t it?” Vars asked, pulling on the nipples that bit harder.

Jake whined, but nodded, closing his eyes to avoid meeting Vars’s gaze in their reflection in the windshield. “I can take it. Sir.” Half his focus was on keeping his palms flat on the hood of the car anyway. A whimper tore out of his chest when Vars moved his hands down Jake’s arms.

“I know. You’re a good boy. So obedient. You please me very much,” Vars said, slowly pulling away.

Jake shuddered when Vars’s hips withdrew, but any sound of protest he could have made died in his throat when the thick hands unbuckled his belt. His breath got faster, his nipples, still two burning mounds of flesh on his chest, throbbed with excitement. No one had ever treated him this way. No one. Not King, who’d been older, not Joker, who could be a demanding shit. Not like this.

And the words Vars used for him… each one of them triggered arousal thick as honey. Jake could taste their sweet sound on his tongue. He whimpered once more when Vars turned his face and first licked along Jake’s ear only to then bite the lobe. Jake arched at the pain as if it were pleasure, confused by his own reactions.

Despite the slight tremors in Vars’s muscles, he still remained in control, taking his time with Jake’s belt, then slowly pulling down the zipper. Jake shuddered when Vars pushed down his pants and revealed Jake’s tight boxer briefs. His palm was huge on Jake’s ass. It moved along the curve, caressing Jake’s flesh without yet venturing where Jake really needed the touch.

“This pleases me too. How long since someone fucked you?”

“Almost six months, sir.” Jake hated that it came out sounding like a complaint. He wasn’t needy. On the contrary, he didn’t need much at all. But he loved to be under a man, to offer up his body for another’s pleasure. So yes, he wasn’t exactly happy that it had been so long.