Page 84 of Wicked Exile

Evan nodded, rubbing his now bloody knuckles. “So she is fine?”

“Not entirely. She’s clearly gone for a long stretch without food or water. Her face and skin have already turned grey. You need to get liquids—any and all kinds into her as quickly as possible. She will have trouble swallowing. And she’s rather confused about where she is at the moment. The confusion will continue until her body can absorb some of the liquid. And keep her warm.”

Evan exhaled relief. “Thank you.”

Dr. Langtree patted the side of his upper arm. “You know where to find me if she needs more help.”


Dr. Langtree moved down the stairs and let himself out the front door of the townhouse.

Evan drew a deep breath, steeling himself before going back into the room.

No more cowardice. Even if Juliet hated him now—and rightfully so.

He’d been the one to let this happen to her. To let Gilroy get near her. He’d been the one to not listen to her when she was begging him for his help.

She saw exactly what his brother was and he’d refused to believe her.

There was no way around it. She hated him.

The only thing he could do now was help her recover and then let her go.


She’d muttered nonsensical words most of the night. She’d slept, but it’d been sleep that tossed and turned her body in the bed every few minutes.

Evan watched it all, his eyes never getting drowsy. Even the heat in the room hadn’t dimmed his eyelids.

Dr. Langtree said to keep Juliet warm, so he’d had a healthy blaze roaring all night long. He doubted he’d ever be able to sleep in her presence again. Doubted he’d ever trust that she wouldn’t disappear on him, when disappearing on him was exactly what he deserved.

He had managed to get broth down her throat three times during the night, her eyelids fluttering halfway between sleep and awake, but never fully opening to him.

In the morning light streaming in from the parted curtains, her face looked much better now that he’d dabbed away the streaks of blood from her face and lips. Though her lips were still cracked, he’d set the wet cloth to them enough times that they’d almost plumped up to normal.

She twisted in the bed and her face contorted in a twisted grimace. That wasn’t right. He’d washed the filth and blood from every spot of her body while she’d slept, and set a clean chemise on her, and he hadn’t found any more obvious injuries.

He jumped up from his seat, setting his hand along her neck, trying to ease the pain on her face as he woke her. “Juliet, you are injured—where—tell me. Tell me so I can get the physician back here.”

Her eyes opened to him, her focus going from hazy to clear as she found his face. She stared at him for a long moment and he wasn’t sure if she truly saw him or saw whatever was in her mind.

Her hand moved up, grabbing his wrist. Weak. Too weak for the strength he knew she possessed. “Dark, it was dark. Too dark. Every day…all I could see was you in the dark.” She heaved a breath that sent her chest lifting. “Reaching for me but never able to touch me.”

Full words that weren’t strangled to silence from the lack of moisture on her tongue. His heart nearly exploded in his chest.

He smoothed the hair away from her brow. “Don’t think on that—not now. You’re safe now. In the light. Go back to sleep.”

She did. And he kept pouring tea and broth down her throat every hour.

It wasn’t until just before dusk that she fully woke, her blue eyes opening to him, clear and bright as morning dew.

“You’re awake.” He sat up in his chair, leaning toward her as he studied her face. He shifted forward, grabbing a cup of tepid tea and pressing it to her lips.

She took several sips, her jaw working back and forth as the liquid made it down her throat. “I am.”

No smile, no frown on her face. Evan wasn’t sure what was going through her mind, but it was clear she no longer hovered in the land of apparitions and madness.

Unable to stand her emotionless stare, he stood from the cushion of the chair he’d crushed flat in the last day and night. “Good, as I need to have someone come in to get the clamp off your leg. He’s been waiting since this morning, but I didn’t want him disturbing your sleep.”