He leans down and pulls me in for a hug. I stand here, soaking in the embrace. He’s big and warm, and the safety I feel being in his arms is like nothing I’ve felt before. “Kent, I—”

His hands pull my hips toward him as if he’s afraid I’m going to pull away. “Don’t, Ava. This is not on you, this is me. This is my problem. In no way am I saying I don’t believe in your abilities. I know you’re a good firefighter, I just don’t want to lose you.”

I inhale deeply. His musky scent fills my nostrils, and I let my head rest against his chest. My voice is thick and barely comes out as a whisper. “You don’t even know me.” I clench my eyes saying it, but I know it’s true.

He pulls my wet hair away from my face and tilts my head up so I’m looking at him. He looks at me with a knowing smile. “I do know you, Ava. You’re smart, beautiful, and kind. You’re a decorated firefighter that is good at her job. You love your family because even though you’re here, I can tell you miss them. You’re an athlete, but you don’t brag. Even after you beat Andrew in that race, you didn’t boast or try to make him look bad. No, you started training with him to help him do better. Everyone that meets you likes you. Cherry Falls is lucky to have you, and the fire department is really lucky. I already know how I feel about you, Ava. I’m just waiting on you to catch up.”

I can’t believe my ears. Everything he said goes straight to my heart. “I won’t be held back, Kent.”

He shakes his head. “I don’t want to hold you back.”

I caress his chest before reaching up and putting my hands around the base of his neck. I have to pull him down, and when we’re nose to nose, I ask him, “Are you going to kiss me now?”

He cups my cheek. “Are you going to give us a chance?”

I nod because after that speech and the way he makes me feel, there’s no way I could tell him no.

He almost grunts the words. “I’m going to kiss you then.”

He takes it slow. He touches his lips to mine in a brief peck, and when I’m afraid he’s going to stop, I hold his neck tighter. He presses his lips to mine again, and I can feel his smile against mine. I turn my head to deepen the kiss. My body heats, my heart is racing, and there’s a pull in my lower belly. I can’t get enough of him, and a small whimper has me opening my mouth as he takes full advantage. His tongue delves into my mouth, and I mold my body to his, unable to get close enough. His manhood is hard against my belly, but instead of pulling back, I push into him harder, loving the feel of him against my body.

He groans deeply, and I can feel his chest rumble as he pulls away. “I’m going to go.”

Instantly, I think of his wife. “Are you okay? If this is too soon...” I drop off, not knowing how or if I should bring up his deceased wife.

He shakes his head. “You’re my first kiss since... well, and I thought it would be hard. I’ll always love Kendal, but this... with you... it just feels right. I have no regrets or anything that are going to hold me back.”

I nod with understanding.

He squeezes my shoulder. “So with that, I better go.”

His lips are swollen and wet. I shake my head, overcome by all the feelings. “You don’t have to.”

He strokes his thumb across my lower lip. “Yes, I do. I either leave now or try to take this further, and I don’t think you’re ready for that.”

I almost deny it, but it’s true. My life has been turned upside down, and I don’t need to move this quickly. I don’t even know what I’m thinking. This is not me. I usually weigh and measure every outcome before I act. Oh no, but not with Kent. If he asked me, I’d probably go to my bedroom with him without a second thought.

I pull away and try to get myself together. “You’re right... I don’t think I’m ready for that. Not yet.”

He nods and kisses me one more time before turning away. I follow him to the door and watch as he descends the steps. He stops abruptly and turns to face me. He’s still hard. The bulge in his pants is noticeable, and I try not to let my mouth water thinking about it. “Ava,” he says, and I blush when I’m caught staring at his package.

He just smirks. “Let me know when you are ready. I’ll wait for however long you need me to.”