I grab his hand and pull him over to the outdoor sofa. I try to sit next to him, but he pulls me onto his lap instead. I struggle to move, but he only holds me tighter. “Whatever you have to tell me, you can say it from here.”

I blow out a breath. “You sure are bossy.”

He instantly feels guilty, and then so do I. He’s worked really hard to give me my space and let me do my thing without interfering. I know it scares him when I leave for my shift, but I feel the same way about him. I always have to remind myself of what he’s gone through and the loss he’s had. Of course he’s going to worry about me.

“I take it back. I like it when you’re bossy... most of the time anyway.”

He doesn’t smirk or laugh at my joke. “Tell me what’s going on.”

I sigh. “Well, we haven’t really talked about it in a long time, but what would you think about me cutting back a little bit at work?”

His forehead creases as if he doesn’t quite understand. Almost like he’s nervous to answer.

I pull at the shirt on his chest. “Be honest with me. Would you be okay with it?”

“You’re serious?”

I nod. “I’m serious.”

He shrugs. “Well, then do it. I want you to do whatever makes you happy.”

I kiss him quickly on the lips. “Great. So I need to run out and talk to the chief about it.”

I go to get up, but he holds me against him and laughs. “Hold on. What’s going on? I mean, I’m good with whatever you want to do, but this isn’t you. You love the fire department.”

I loop my arms around his neck. “Yeah, I do, but if I have to go on desk duty, I know I’m going to hate it, so I thought I’d go to part time.”

He shakes his head. “Whoa! Desk duty! Who’s putting you on desk duty? Did Chief Malone say that?”

I run my finger across his cheek. My big man is mad. He gets like this any time he thinks someone is messing with me, and I know I should put a stop to it, but it sends a thrill through me any time he gets possessive like this. “No, Chief Malone didn’t say that. But I figure that you’re so protective of me... I can imagine when the little one gets here. Plus, I don’t want to put the baby in any danger.”

He turns completely white. “Baby?”

I search his eyes, hoping I’ve read this right. He said before that he’d be ready when I was. But we’ve never talked about it again. “Yeah, baby. I’m about two months along.”

His hands tighten on my waist. “We’re having a baby?”

I nod, and he stands up, still holding me tightly against his chest. He stops suddenly and lets me go, safely standing me up on my feet. “Oh my God, I’ve been manhandling you since I got home. Are you okay? Is the baby okay?”

I shake my head and give him my fiercest look. “Kent Graves, I’m telling you right now, you better not change how you treat me. I love your obsession with me, the way you hold me and how you’re demanding.” I tremble just thinking about it. “I love the way you take me.” I point my finger into his chest. “Don’t stop any of it. I can handle it. I want it.”

He bends down and kisses me. “I want it too.”

“So you’re happy about the baby?”

“Fuck yeah, baby. I’m happy.”

“Me too,” I tell him, right before I grab his hand and take him inside to the bedroom. I can talk to the chief later. Right now, I need to love my man and remind him just how much I love him.


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