Because I can’t stall any longer, I pull into the parking lot of the Fireside Bar and Grill, and she’s out of the truck before I even get the gear into park. When I do get out, all I see is the back of her striding in the door of the bar.

I should go home. This isn’t my scene, and I know it isn’t. But there’s no way I can just leave her here, so I stride toward the door and pull it open. I’m just going to make sure she’s okay, and then I’m going to go home.



He apologized. He sincerely apologized.

And I know he’s right that I have to let it go if we’re going to work together. I should have told him I forgave him instead of just saying okay, but being in that small space with him almost took my breath away. I could feel the tension, and all I could think was that I needed to get out of there. I’m attracted to Kent Graves.

The rest of the guys are sitting at a table, and I join them. I no sooner sit down than Kent brings up a chair from another table to sit next to me. I turn in the stool to try and put my back to him. Everyone orders drinks, but I stick with water. I can let loose as much as the next person, but I feel like I need to keep my head tonight.

Kent’s voice is husky when he says, “I’ll take a water too.”

The guys are still talking about me and Astor, and I nod and laugh in all the right places, but my mind is completely on the man sitting next to me. The way his hands are clenched on the table in front of him. How when he shifts in his seat, I’m just a few inches from the apex of his thighs. I release a breath and remind myself to breathe.

“So, what’s your story, Catlett?” Porter asks as Andrew excuses himself from the table.

Instantly, I get defensive. Is this going to be another test? Is he wondering about my qualifications or what? “My story?” I ask.

“Yeah, your story. You have a boyfriend?”

At that moment, Kent leans forward, and the sudden movement has me glancing at him. He’s staring at me, and I pull my eyes away quickly. “No, no boyfriend.”

“So you want to go to dinner sometime?” Porter continues.

I look around the table, and all eyes are on me. I don’t want to shoot him down in front of all the guys. Porter’s a nice guy, but I’m just not attracted to him. “Uh...” I’m about to agree just to get the attention off me. I can break it off later and in private, but Kent interrupts me.

“Cut it out, Porter. I’m sure your girlfriend would have something to say about you dating other women.”

Porter has the sense to look ashamed, but I barely pay attention because Kent puts his hand on the back of my chair and I can feel the heat of it through my shirt. I jerk like I’ve been scalded and try to play it off when everyone looks at me.

“Wanna dance, Ava?” Andrew asks as he walks back to the table.

“Sure,” I say and jump up. Heck, I’d agree to anything at this point to get away from Kent. The whole way to the dance floor I remind myself that he’s a jerk. Yes, he apologized, but he still has a problem with women firefighters.

Thankfully it’s a fast song, and Andrew and I dance. Everything turns into a contest with him, and he’s doing moves and then having me do them. It’s fun, and it helps me get my mind off Kent with the brooding eyes.


This is a bad idea. I know it is. I should have apologized and gone home. But seeing her laughing and having fun with Andrew had me on the end of my seat with my fingers wrapped around the edge of the table.

Porter moves around the table and follows my gaze. “So I’m guessing she’s off limits?”

I nod. I don’t have any right to put a claim on her. I’m pretty sure I’m going to fuck this up, but just the thought of her with another man makes me physically ill.

Porter puts his hand on my shoulder. “I get it, and I’ll let the guys know, but let’s face it, Kent. She’s beautiful, smart, determined... men are going to be lining up...”

I stop him with a death glare. “I don’t want to hear this shit.”

Porter laughs. “Yeah, I know you don’t. But I also don’t want you to lose your chance with her and fuck it up. You deserve happiness, Kent.” I tense under his words, and he pulls his hand back. “I’m just trying to help, brother.”