It has been known to happen, unfortunately.

"And their members still worship them? They don't care about being..." My voice trails off as the answer comes to me all on its own. "They don't know, do they?"

I'm sorry, moraki mou.

We, too, also think such negligence is unforgivable, but such matters are out of our hands.

While I'm glad Eros and his brothers aren't defending their fellow gods, a part of me is still bothered at how gods can ghost the members of their order just like that. Post-3rd humans are supposed to take it as their due when gods punish them for their wicked ways, but what about divine pieces of shit who don't even have the decency to let their members know they're being abandoned? Who's going to punish them?

Eros strokes my back, but the calming gesture isn't, well, as calming as it normally is. "How can they just up and leave like their members' devotion to them doesn't mean a thing? Why can't they simply tell the truth? Don't they even care how stupid their members would feel once they realize what's happening?"

"It's a shitty thing to do," Erma acknowledges, "but you must also take into account that those same humans made their choices of their own free will, and many of them do so for a reason. They expected something in return for their allegiance...and as long as they continue to benefit, those people care little about the change in membership."

It's almost three in the morning when we call it a night, and I'm back in my parents' place, with my god wrapping his unseen arms around me in bed.

Erma's words come back to mind, and the memory makes me stir uneasily in Eros' embrace. There's obviously no point in wanting justice when there aren't any victims in the first place, but the thought still bothers me.

Those gods ghosting their members...


The reason behind my discomfort finally dawns on me, and I realize uneasily it's because I see myself in those abandoned members. There was that one time Eros had left me, and although he had done so thinking it was for my own good...

What if he does it again, and what if the next time, he never comes back?

What if he abandons me because he found out about how I can't seem to help feeling towards Professor Lucious?

An involuntary shiver rocks my body as terror skitters over my spine, and sensing this, Eros tips my chin up to his unseen gaze.

What's wrong, moraki mou?

A part of me wants to just spill my guts and be done with it. Crazy or not, there's this part of me that believes my god alone can help me out of this stupid, stupid mess, but when I think about how I can just as easily lose everything if my god thinks I've betrayed him with Professor Lucious—-

No, no, no.

My eyes sting at the very thought, and I find myself wrapping my arms around his neck.

I can feel you shaking.

Speak to me—-

Speaking is exactly what I do not want to do, and I nearly panic. I don't want to risk saying the wrong thing, but with my emotions all over the place, all it will take is one word. Just one word to ruin everything between us, and because I don't want that to happen—-

My god growls in my mind as I take him by surprise, with my hands clutching his shoulders as I cover his mouth with mine. His warm lips finally open, and all worries are forgotten as my tongue pushes inside his mouth and heat explodes between us.

A strangled sob nearly escapes me when I feel him rip my undies off. He's almost brutish in the way he drives his cock inside my pussy, but the savageness of his touch only serves to excite me. I'm frightened, too, yes, but more than that I'm aroused, and it's this aching need for my god's possession that has me covering my mouth as I whimper at the way his cock rams into me over and over.

Eros, Eros, Eros.

I can only sob his name in my mind as my pleasure peaks, and our bodies strain against each other in shared release, his cock once again pumping out his thick, hot cum inside of me.

When I drift back into consciousness, it's to find myself draped over my god's chest and every inch of my body silently humming with pleasure. Just like earlier, sex with Eros has made things a lot clearer in my mind, and all is right in my world again.



I have a confession.

Eros' fingers on my back come into a halt.

I'm scared that you'll abandon me one day.

I would never do that—-

But what if I give you a reason to?

Will you?

Professor Lucious...

I can feel him tensing under me, but my god remains silent.

He...bothers me. I'm not sure why it's just him, but he does.