This is it?

The app has taken me down a narrow pathway that eventually leads me straight into one of the labyrinth's many cul-de-sacs. I stare at the vine-colored wall in front of me in a mixture of confusion and consternation. Cad doesn't seem to be the type to play this kind of prank on me, but...


A memory resurfaces - of my god telling me how these vine-colored walls would recognize that I bear the insignia of the Ancient Order of Sub Rosa - and since I have nothing to lose...

I gingerly place my hand on the wall, and a gasp escapes me as it slides open to reveal a lantern-lit passageway. Faint music streams from somewhere below, and my heart thuds against my chest when the walls slide close as soon as I take a step down.

Claustrophobia strikes, but I force myself to keep going. The staircase is narrow and made of stone, and soon enough it's spiraling farther below ground until the entrance wall is no longer visible. The air, however, remains slightly damp, and my breathing eases back to normal when my feet finally touch the ground.

Now this, I think in relief, is wonderfully familiar.

Glowing flowstones above my head appear to have been altered; I'm not sure if it's technology or alchemy at work, but the result is beautiful, with its iridescent rays now reflected by the ground's mirror-like sheen.

It kind of makes me feel like I'm right inside a rainbow, and hearing the booming bass of EDM only adds to the place's trippy atmosphere. The sound is coming from what I can only assume is another magically touch-activated wall, and just as I expected, it slides open as soon as my palm comes into contact with its slightly damp surface.


The scene before me feels like I've been transported to one of those glamorous super clubs that only seems to exist in movies. The music is louder than ever, everything around me either glitters or sparkles, and everyone here looks stylishly cool.

Everyone that is, except me, the idiot who thought an exclusive secret society party would be something like I've watched in Harry Potter, and everyone would still be in their school uniforms.

"You made it!" Cad appears out of nowhere, with slightly flushed cheeks that tell me he's perhaps a dance or two away from getting tipsy.

I'm about to say hi when he suddenly pulls me close for a quick hug; it's over before I realize what's happening, but I still can't help jumping back and shooting him a glower, and Cad laughingly throws his hands up in apology. "Sorry," Cad yells over the noise. "It won't happen again, I promise."

"You better mean it!" I hate having to yell back, and seeing all the heads turn in our direction makes me start to question my judgment.

All I wanted is to know more about Sub Rosa's Heads of State, do what I can to find out who could possibly be plotting against the Erotes. I still think it's a worthwhile objective, but maybe attending this party isn't the right way to do it?

Cad asks if I want a drink, and at my nod, he guides me to the neon-lit bar at the other end of the underground club. "This is Zodiac, bartender-slash-club-manager."

It's a remarkable name to say the least, but it also kinda works, since his appearance is equally remarkable, with constellation tattoos glowing under the skin of his entire body. There's Orion the Great Hunter on his neck, Taurus the Bull on his left hand, and I think that's Cassiopeia the Queen peeking out from his right sleeve.

"We are honored to have you join us, Lady Halyna."

The deep respect in the older man's voice startles me, and it makes me feel a little self-conscious. But because I also remember that this is the position I've chosen to accept as Eros' woman, I force myself to get past the initial discomfort and muster up a smile for the bartender. "I'm honored to be here, too."

Beside me, Cad is eyeing me like I've grown an additional pair of eyes, and I give him a good, hard kick under the bar. I'm hoping I did it discreetly enough, but when Cad groans and Zodiac laughs, I can only wrinkle my nose and accept defeat.

Note to self: increase one's patience for handling moronic Sub Rosa members.

Zodiac asks me what I want to drink, and I have to fight off another wave of self-conscious discomfort as I tell him I'd rather drink something non-alcoholic. It's probably the uncoolest drink for the chosen partner of a god to order, but right now I can't afford to be the slightest bit drunk.

While waiting for my beverage, I take another look at my surroundings, this time making note of the VIP floor whose entrance is heavily guarded. Cad, following the direction of my gaze, tells me that it's where the rooms of the Order's four Heads of State are, and it's exactly the opening I've been hoping to hear.