Page 37 of Contract Baby

‘Only a very stupid man would be ironic on his wedding night,’ Raul asserted as he brought his hard, mobile mouth passionately down on hers.

He kissed her with innate eroticism, parting her lips, letting his tongue plunge deep into the honeyed warmth within, seeking out and finding every tender spot. Clutching at him, she was madly conscious of every slight movement he made, and wholly at the mercy of the wild, sweet, seductive feelings sweeping through her quivering body. It was a passionate, urgent exploration that betrayed his very masculine hunger, a growl of satisfaction escaping his throat before he lifted his head again, surveying her with shameless satisfaction.

‘I told you that you would come to me, mi esposa.’

Her lashes fluttered up. She gave him a dazed look of reproach, too shaken by the effect he was having on her to muster a tart response. He came back to her again, tasting her, delving deep and then skimming the tender roof of her mouth in a flickering, provocative caress until she was gasping for breath but still hanging onto him.

Leaning back from her then, an unashamedly predatory smile on his sensual mouth, Raul trailed the ribbon straps of her nightgown slowly down over her slight shoulders, brushing them down her arms and then carefully slipping her hands free at the wrists.

‘I want to look at all of you,’ he breathed huskily. ‘Touch all of you. Taste every smooth, silken inch of that pale, perfect skin and then sink so deep into you, you won’t know where I end and you begin.’

Transfixed, and hectically flushed, Polly stared up at him, utterly overpowered by the tiny little tremors already racking her taut length, the tormenting throb of heat she could feel between her slender thighs. Tom between fascination and shyness, she watched him smoothly tug down the bodice of her nightgown so that her small, firm breasts sprang free, her nipples already wantonly distended rosy buds.

‘Raul, please...’ she moaned, hot with a debilitating and confusing mix of embarrassment and excitement.

‘Dios...but you are exquisite.’ His dark golden eyes blazed over her bare breasts with urgent appreciation and made her tremble.

With deft but impatient hands, Raul eased the nightgown tangled round her waist down over her slim hips, raising her knees to slide the garment finally free and discard it.

Smoothing a soothing hand over her shifting hips, he ran intent eyes over the slender length of her, her tiny waist, delicately rounded stomach, the cluster of dark curls crowning the juncture of her trembling thighs. As she made a sudden impulsive snatch at the sheet, he forestalled her, and gazed down at her with a wicked smile. ‘I’ve waited a long time to see you like this.’ Long brown fingers closed round her wrist and lingered. ‘Your pulse is going crazy. Admit’s exciting to be looked at, appreciated and lusted over. What did you expect, querida? That I would fall on you like a clumsy, selfish boy and it would all be over in minutes? That is not how I make love...’

‘No...’ Polly conceded shakily, scarcely able to swallow, so constricted was her throat.

A dark line of colour lay over his superb cheekbones. ‘I want this to be good for you... I want you to spend all day aching for the moment when I take you in my arms again...’

Trembling like a leaf, with the heat surging through her in waves, Polly mumbled, ‘Ambitious...’

‘ everything. It’s in my blood,’ Raul husked in agreement, running an exploring hand lightly over her outrageously sensitive breasts and forcing a gasp of startled reaction from her.

Helplessly she strained up to him, and with the tip of his tongue he provocatively traced the already reddened curve of her lips, so that she tipped her head back, openly inviting the hot, hard pressure of his mouth which every sense craved.

With a roughened laugh he tasted her again, sliding a hand beneath her hips and pressing her into contact with the aggressive thrust of his own arousal, and excitement drenched her in a blinding, burning wave. She moaned beneath that devastating mouth of his, need rising like a greedy fire as he let his fingers finally stroke and tug her achingly sensitive nipples. Freeing her swollen lips, he slid down the bed and employed that expert mouth on her tender breasts instead.

Pushing up against him, she twisted wildly, unprepared for the raw tide of sensation engulfing her now. Every intimate caress felt so unbearably good, yet all the time she strained and yearned helplessly for more, intoxicated by physical feelings she had never experienced before and ruled by their demands.

‘Easy, gatita,’ Raul muttered softly, pulling her to him, stilling her helpless squirmings with the momentary weight of one long, powerful thigh. ‘We’re not running a race...’

Polly snatched in a long, shuddering breath, focusing on him in a dazed kind of wonderment ‘I didn’t know it would be like this...’

‘Like a raging fire in which two can burn up with pleasure? ’ Raul bent over her and let his lips brush tenderly over hers.

She jerked as he eased her thighs apart and embarked on a more intimate invasion, touching her where she had never been touched before, discovering the damp silken ache at the centre of her. And he caressed her with such shrewd comprehension of what would excite her most that she was overwhelmed by the uncontrollable pleasure, sobbing against his broad shoulder, always longing and needing and finally begging for more as the desperate need for greater fulfilment rose to screaming proportions inside her.

And then Raul came smoothly over her, and surged into her before she could even get the chance to fear the unknown. As he thrust deeper there was a short, sharp pain that made her cry out, and then, a split second later, the most extraordinary and intense feeling of physical pleasure as he abruptly stilled to gaze with rather touching anxiety down at her.

‘I hoped it wouldn’t hurt,’ Raul confessed raggedly.

And Polly smiled a little dizzily up at him, at that moment loving him so much for caring that she was weak with the strength of the emotion shrilling through her.

‘Doesn’t matter,’ she swore unsteadily.

And then he moved within her again, and her eyes slid shut on the rush of sensation which was so indescribably seductive and controlling. If he had stopped she would have died, and she wrapped herself round him, utterly lost within the surging domination of his possession. He drove her up to the heights and she splintered there in ecstasy, glorying in his groan of intense physical pleasure as he slammed into her one last time with compulsive driving force.

Eyes welling with tears from the sheer raw intensity of her emotions, Polly held him tight within the circle of her arms, revelling in the sweetness of her new right to do that, openly and unashamedly, without fear of revealing too much. And she marvelled at how much closer she felt to Raul now. She wanted those timeless, tranquil moments to last for ever. He was an absolutely fantastic lover, she decided. Lying in that gloriously intimate embrace and knowing that she had satisfied him, in spite of her inexperience, filled her with new pride and confidence.

In that same instant of heady contentment Raul pulled away from her and sprawled back against the pillows again. He flipped his tousled dark head over and surveyed her with deceptively indolent dark golden eyes that gleamed with satisfaction. ‘You see, love isn’t necessary to sexual gratification. ’

Already hurt by the speed of his withdrawal from physical proximity, Polly gazed back at him with a sinking sensation in her stomach. ‘Is there a point to that comment?’ she asked tautly.