Page 56 of Contract Baby

‘Oh, no!’ Maxie groaned with a comical expression of dismay. ‘I just know the men think we’re up here talking about them, and here we are actually doi

ng it!’

Hours later, Polly climbed into the elegant, beautifully draped four-poster bed in the main bedroom, marvelling that Raul had simply bought the furniture with the house and engaged new staff. He hadn’t worked it out yet, but she knew what had been going through his mind all those months ago. He had walked around Gilbourne, imagining her here, and he had bought the house as a result.

‘So what were the three of you giggling like drains over?’ Raul persisted as he slid into bed beside her, all bronzed and gorgeous and sexy against the pale linen.

Pulses quickening, Polly gave him a secretive smile. ‘That would be telling.’

‘You were talking about us.’ Raul lay back against the banked up pillows, his trust in that belief complete. ‘We talked business.’

‘Get away—you were in the billiard room by the time we came back, but you hadn’t closed the door, so we tiptoed up to see how the three of you were getting on without us around,’ Polly confessed with a growing smile. ‘And Angelos was talking about what a great mother Maxie was going to be, Luca was talking about Darcy’s amazing knowledge of antiques. And you were talking about my inborn talent for horse-riding!’

Raul rolled over and trapped her beneath him, stunning golden eyes laughing down into hers. ‘I may have exaggerated a little, but then it was male bragging session, and I couldn’t say what I really wanted to say...’

‘And what was that?’ Polly enquired, scarcely able to breathe for excitement with him that close.

‘I just adore you, gatita...’

‘Me too.’ Polly sighed ecstatically as he kissed her, closed her eyes the way she always did, and gave herself up without a care in the world to loving pleasure.

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