How did one tell a man who had sacrificed so much that I had exchanged an established career with amazing prospects for one that wasn’t guaranteed?

I didn’t have the slightest idea. And that was exactly why I’d let that secret sit on my shoulders for months.

But that ended today.

I kept repeating that mantra as I went through the motions of getting ready. I threw on the first thing I could pull out of my suitcase: a pair of light blue jeans and an oversized burgundy sweater. And like pretty much every morning, I unsuccessfully tried to tame the mess of dark curls on my head and settled for tying them loosely on top of my head.

Once I made my way out, I settled on a plan of action.

First, I’d get Dad’s favorite sausage rolls from O’Brien’s, a bakery here in Brooklyn, only a few minutes away from Lina’s place. I’d wait for him to bite into the savory fried goodness and,boom, I’d drop the bomb.

It was a good plan.

At least, I was trying to convince myself of that as I entered the bakery, placed my order, and made my way out with Dad’s bribe. That was probably why, when I stepped onto the sidewalk, I almost tripped when my gaze fell into the window of the diner across the street.

I did a double take. Then, a third. I probably stared for about a good full minute.

But how could I not, when Lucas was sitting there, in the window of the diner, hair an unruly mess, and lean and strong arms crossed over his chest. That mouth I’d seen mostly grinning, hung open as his head rested on the back of the seat and I could tell he had on the same clothes he had been wearing last night.

But I had to be wrong. That couldn’t be Lucas.

He couldn’t be sleeping in that diner, in front of a mug and an empty plate. He was supposed to be in a hotel. Unless…

That thought was left unfinished as my two feet carried me across the street and into the diner, this big, pressing question bouncing off the walls of my head.Had he spent the night here? And if so, why? Why hadn’t he gone to a hotel?

I crossed the threshold and walked up to him, the warm bag of pastries still dangling from my fingers.

I took him in up close, the bags under his eyes and the impossibly wrinkled clothes. The start of what looked like… drool falling out of the corner of his mouth.

“Lucas,” I whispered.

He didn’t move. Didn’t even hear me.

I cleared my throat and leaned down a little. “Lucas,” I repeated.

Guilt tangled with worry in my stomach, making me want to shake him awake so I could demand answers and apologize a few hundred times. All at once. Because someone didn’t just sleep at a diner unless necessary and I shouldn’t have let him leave so easily last night.

Tentatively, I reached out, my free hand landing softly on his shoulder. “Hey.” I shook him lightly, trying not to focus on how warm and solid he felt through his sweatshirt. “Lucas, wake up.”

And… Still nothing. God, he slept like the dead.

I was left with no other option but…


His mouth snapped shut and one of his eyes popped open.

A brown eyeball took me in. Then his expression was relaxing back until a sleepy version of his smile took shape before me.

“Rosie,” he half said, half slurred in a husky voice. “This really you or I did I wake up in heaven?”



Iwas an idiot. A big sleepy idiot.

That really you or did I wake up in heaven?