
Really, Rosie? Oh?

I could have done much, much better. Much sexier. But my brain was… scattered.

Lucas:don’t sound so surprised.

I waited, thinking of how to answer. But he beat me.

Lucas:have you forgotten this morning? Because I haven’t.

Lucas:it’s all I’ve thought about.

Lucas:well, not all. I’ve thought about that shower too. About you coming so sweetly.

I stared at that word on my screen, a heated sensation pooling low and gathering between my legs. I just didn’t know what to say to that.

My brain scrambled for a good answer, for something, anything, I could say. This was good, it was just sexting. And I was a romance writer, I’d written sex scenes. I could be sexy. I could be daring. I could sext.

But nothing came to mind. Nothing. Only flashes of that morning, of us in bed, under the covers. Of that shower and Lucas naked, coming on my stomach. Which had been the hottest, most erotic sexual experience of my life and I—

I might have spent a long time thinking because Lucas texted again.


Rosie:Still here.

Lucas:Sorry. I’m an idiot. I wasn’t trying to have phone sex or text sex with you, I promise.

Rosie:You weren’t?


Well, that was disappointing. I would have been all in for any of those two options; I just needed… a little more time.

Lucas:I was texting you because I miss you like crazy. The apartment is too quiet. Too empty. Even with Taco here. Nothing feels right. I want you back.

My chest swelled to the point of hurting.

I want you back.

That was exactly how I felt in my own home. That was how much he’d ruined me. Could it be possible that we were feeling the exact same way?

Rosie:I miss you, too.

And then, because I clearly had no self-preservation instinct when it came to this man, I sent him the words I wanted him to hear. The truth that I wanted him to see, that I wanted to scream at him until my voice grew raw.

Rosie:I want you back too, Lucas. I wish you were here with me. In my bed.


Lucas:I wish you hadn’t told me that.


The three points danced on the screen of my phone for a few seconds, and then disappeared.

Remaining very, very still, I waited for a minute.