He wasn’t wrong. He did look good. Emergency-good, good.

And he’s a shameless flirt, too, I reminded myself.Remember his words: No woman has ever complained?

I rolled my eyes at myself because I really had no business feeling bitter or jealous.

Rosie:Hi Lucas’s ego. Nice to finally meet you.

Lucas:He says hi back.

The three dots jumped on the screen for a few seconds, making me bite my lip in anticipation. Then, one last message came.

Lucas:I’ll let you get back to work. Be ready at six. See you later, roomie.


I’d tell Lina about this. I would. The moment she and Aaron landed on US soil, I’d tell her everything.

Later in the afternoon, at exactly 5:45 p.m., I had just slipped into my favorite pair of jeans when I heard a knock.

“One sec!” I called, zipping them up as I sprinted through the apartment barefoot. “I’ll be right there!”

Throwing the door open, I was not expecting to find Lucas casually leaning against the frame.

“Lucas,” I said a little too breathlessly, before stepping back. “Did you forget your keys this morning?”

He straightened. And boy, I don’t know what was about him in that moment, but he seemed larger than usual. Bulkier, taller. But before I could process that, he took the smallest step forward and let his gaze trail down my body, slowly, in a way I had trouble processing.

Whoa, what… was that?

A slow smile bent his mouth. “Nope,” he said.Nope. Nope to what? What the hell had been my question? “You look very nice, Rosie. Beautiful.”

Very nice. Beautiful.

I thought my lips bobbed, opening and closing in some strange fish-like manner. “Thanks,” I finally mumbled. And then I felt the need to point out, “These are my favorite jeans.”

We looked down at the same time.

And when Lucas’s gaze returned to my face a beat later, that grin had somehow stretched. “I think they might be my favorite, too.”

More of that fish bobbing took place, but this time I recovered faster. “Good.”

I’d recovered faster, but clearly, not better.

“So…” Lucas began, his expression turning serious. “Are you going to invite me in, Rosie?”

I cocked a brow. “You live here.”

Amusement entered his gaze but he repeated, in that commanding yet gentle tone he’d only used once around me, “Invite me in, Rosie.”

Something tugged at my stomach. “Would you… like to come in, Lucas?”

“I would love to,” he said quickly, firmly. And then, only then, did he step inside the apartment.

I walked up to the bed, sat on the edge, and busied myself with the shoes I’d set apart for tonight. They were high heels. Blue velvet. Another treasured item in my closet—or, well, suitcase.

I strapped them on quickly and stood up, coming to a stop when I found Lucas’s eyes trained down on my feet.

“Do you think these are okay?” I asked because he was studying them with such rapt attention. “You never said what we were doing and I didn’t ask so…”