Page 34 of Irish Promise

I need her. I need her so goddamn badly I can’t stand it, and I thrust into her hard, sinking every inch of my cock as deeply into her wet, willing body as I can. I feel myself reach the end of her, her body squeezing around me as if to keep me there, and I hold myself still for a moment, shuddering above her as my hands clench the pillows so tightly I think I’m going to rip them apart.

“Oh god,” she whispers, her eyes opening wide, and I can feel her trembling underneath me with pleasure. “Oh god, oh god, oh god—”

“Does that feel good?” My voice comes out strangled, and I feel her clench and flutter around me, the sensation almost enough to make me boil over then and there and lose every last shred of control that I have over my own orgasm.

“Yes,” Ana whispers, her eyes closing again as she arches her back, her hips rising too as her legs tighten around my hips. “It feels so good, Liam, please—”

“God, Ana—” I moan her name, my hips jerking of their own accord as I start to thrust. Each inch I pull out of her sweet, tight pussy feels like leaving heaven behind. Every inch that I sink back into her is the most intense pleasure I’ve ever felt. It’s like she was made for me, the perfect fit, her body moving with mine in perfect tandem as if we’d done this a hundred times before, as if this wasn’t the first time we’d slept together of our own accord.

For the briefest second, the memory of that first time threatens to worm its way in, but I shove it away with all the force I can muster. I won’t let myself think of it, won’t let it ruin this, Ana’s arms around my neck and her body enveloping mine, the sensation of it so fucking good that I want to never end, even as I want to come so fucking desperately.

“Liam, I—” She tilts her head back, her breath coming faster as she arches against me, and I can feel her tightening, feel her body starting to shake. “I’m going to—”

Her nails dig into my back, her face a sudden mask of pure bliss as her legs wrap tightly around my hips, pulling me in, and when I feel her start to come, I know I’m going to, too. I can’t hold it back any longer, my cock throbbing inside of her as I feel myself swell and harden to the point of pain, and when Ana lets out a strangled cry of pleasure, I thrust forward, wanting to bury myself inside of her to the hilt.

“Oh god, oh—” She cries out, her breath coming in small gasps. “Fuck—Alexandre,fuck!”

The entire world comes to a screeching halt. My body is still hurtling forward without me, my balls tight and throbbing between my legs as my cock lets loose inside of her with the hot rush of my cum, filling her up, but I feel as if I’ve been carved in two. Somewhere my body is still feeling the most exquisite pleasure, Ana squeezing around me with a fucking death grip as she drains the cum out of me in a way I’ve never felt before, and then there’s the rest of me, shattering into a million fucking pieces at the sound of her screaming out Alexandre’s name in the middle of her orgasm.

I wrench myself out of her, my pants around my hips and my cock still dripping cum as I half-scramble, half-stumble off of the bed. Ana gasps, blinking dazedly as she feels the sudden loss, and she looks at me with a moment’s confusion before her eyes go round with horror. I know she’s realized what she’s done.

My mouth opens, but I can’t find a single fucking word to say. It’s as if I’d been in a dream, the best fucking dream of my entire life. Now the reality is crashing down around me as I look at Ana, her thighs still spread, bare from the waist down, my cum leaking from her still-swollen pussy and her eyes welling with tears again as she sits there frozen.

“Liam—” She gasps my name, and the surge of anger that I feel at the sound of it on her lips is so overwhelming that I know I need to leave.

I need to get the fuck out of her room before I say something that I’ll regret for the rest of my life.

“Liam, please—”

A dozen things that I could say go through my head, all of them so cruel that I know it would destroy any possibility of anything between us forever if I said them.

I yank up my pants with one hand, forcing them back with every scrap of self-control that I can summon. And then, before Ana can say my name again, before I can lose what little control I have left, I turn on my heel and storm from the room.

So this is what it feels like to have a woman fucking break your heart.



When I wake up the next morning, my head is throbbing.

For a moment, as I sit up in bed and rub my hand blearily across my face, I think I might have dreamed it all—that Liam coming to my room and everything that happened afterward might have just all been a follow-up to the awful nightmare I’d had.

I’d been back in the chalet, tied to the ceiling while Alexei whipped me, but this time Franco had been there too with his knife, circling me as Alexei brought the belt down on my hips and ass and thighs again and again. I’d screamed for Alexandre, and he’d appeared, but he’d just leaned against the wall, laughing as Alexei whipped me, as Franco started cutting into my feet all over again, through the scar tissue to the flesh beneath. He’d watched, and no matter how I’d screamed, how I’d begged, he wouldn’t help me.

And then I’d woken up, and Liam had been there.

I hadn’t meant for any of that to happen. I hadn’t meant to kiss him, hadn’t meant to take his hand and move it to my breast the way I had, hadn’t meant for it to keep going. But from the moment he’d taken me in his arms, comforting me without any ulterior motive that I could see, I’d felt myself wanting him. Wanting more comfort than just his arms around me, more than just crying into his shirt.

I’d wanted to forget, wanted the pleasure that I knew he could bring me. I’d wantedhim, and when I’d begged him to touch me, I’d seen a desire in his face greater than anything I’d ever seen in my entire life. Not even Alexandre had looked at me that way, with such blatant, nakedneed, and when Liam had murmured in that hoarse, accented voice that he didn’t know if he’d be able to stop, I’d felt that need too.

I’d felt that hot, overwhelming desire, every part of me aching to be as close to him as possible, and I hadn’t wanted him to stop, either. I’d wanted all of him, and more than anything in the fucking world, I’d wanted to get to kiss him at last. In the dim glow of the city lights, the silence of my room in the middle of the night, I’d felt like if he left without finally kissing me, I’d fucking die.

So I’d kissed him—and so much more. And then—

My heart clenches in my chest as I remember the rest of it, how it ended. I’d been so lost in pleasure, so overcome with how fucking good it had been, hot and frantic and desperate in all the best ways, and for one brief moment, I’d slipped back in time, back to that night in Alexandre’s bedroom when I’d taken what I wanted then too, convinced him to make love to me despite his guilt.

It hadn’t been the same thing at all with Liam, but my mind had gone there, just for a second.