Page 36 of Irish Promise

“You don’t have to do that—”

Liam holds up a hand. “I know,” he says calmly. “I’m choosing to. As long as you choose to stay, I’ll continue to do these things. I’ll make sure you have the things you need. I’ll keep the house stocked with food, but it’s up to you to make sure you obey me and eat. I’ll make your doctor’s appointments for you, but it’s up to you to get to them. You have the use of my driver, your phone, and this.” He slides what looks at first like the same card that he gave me before across the counter, but I realize to my sudden shock that it’s a different one—it has my name on it.

“It’s an authorized copy of mine, for your use. I’m trusting you, Ana, to use it for whatever you need, or even some things you want. And in turn, you’re going to trust me to care for you and have your best interests in mind. If at any time you feel differently, you’re free to leave. I’ll pay for your flight home. You’re not a captive here or a prisoner. It’s important to me that you understand that—the distinction between this and the relationship you had withhim.”

I can hear how it strains Liam to even say that last word, much less Alexandre’s name. I nod, swallowing hard as I stab a strawberry with my fork.

“Say it out loud, Ana.”

The sudden sternness of his voice, the dominance, shoots through me like a laser bolt, heating my blood as it goes straight to the apex of my thighs, leaving my fingers shaking slightly with the sudden flush of arousal.

“Yes,” I manage, hoping that he can’t hear the shaking in my voice. “I understand.”

“Good.” Liam fishes his phone out of his pocket. “I’m going to text Max and have him come over tomorrow while I’m at my meeting. I’m taking the day off today, so we can go out and shop for you.”

I try to let it all sink in as I slowly start to eat my breakfast. Itfeelsa little like Alexandre—the dominance, the insistence on obeying him, but it’s not. Liam has been very clear that I have a choice. If I choose to stay here, it’s on his terms. But I can leave if I want.

Idon’twant to, though. I want to stay here and find out what happens next.

When we’re finished eating, Liam texts the driver, slipping his phone back into his pocket. “Ready?” he asks me, and I nod, even though I’m not at all sure that I am.

It feels like we’re stepping into something new, some new stage of all of this, as we walk out to the elevator and ride down in silence. Liam opens the door of the town car for me, and I slip inside, breathing in the scent of rich, cool leather as he follows me in, sitting next to me as the car pulls smoothly out into traffic.

The driver takes us downtown, to a street lined with shops, and Liam helps me out of the car as it idles at the curb.

“You really don’t need to do all of this—” I make one more feeble attempt to protest, but Liam fixes me with his bright green stare.

“I want to,” he says simply, and then he takes my hand, leading me into the first shop.

The people at the stores that I’d gone to with Sofia and Caterina and Sofia the other day had been nice enough, but this is different. The moment we step inside, and the first salesperson catches a glimpse of him, I can feel the entire atmosphere in the store change.

“Mr. McGregor. You’re here for your personal shopping appointment.” The pretty dark-haired woman who greets us beams at him, her cheeks flushing slightly as he smiles politely at her.

“We’re here to shop for her, actually,” he says, gently pushing me forward slightly. “She needs a new wardrobe. I’m just here to fund it.”

The woman’s eyes widen slightly. “Of course,” she says quickly, her voice almost breathy with excitement. “Come this way, dear.”

“Ana,” I tell her as she leads me into the store.

“Ana. Why don’t you tell me a little about your style?”

My style?I wrack my brain, trying to think. What did I wear back when I felt like an entire person, when I did things like dress up on the weekends and go out to clubs. “I—can you just bring me some things, and I’ll try them?”

“Of course.” The woman smiles brightly at me. “I’ll just take you to one of the dressing rooms then, and we’ll get started.”

The dressing room is the prettiest one I’ve ever been in, with light pink floral wallpaper and a cream-colored fluffy stool next to a gold-edged mirror. The carpet is soft and plush under my feet as I kick off my flats in anticipation of the first round of clothes that she’ll bring me. When she brings me the first stack of hangers, my heart skips a beat in my chest.

It feels like some kind of insane dream when I look at the price tags. A single item of clothing is way more than what I would have spent on an entire season’s worth of clothes. I have the sudden urge to go out and tell Liam that I can’t, that this is ridiculous, that he can’t spend all of this on me.

If you’re going to stay, we’re going to do this my way.

I can hear his voice in my head, and I know what he’s going to say. He’s going to tell me that he wants to do this, that he wants to take care of me, that it’s his money and his choice to spend it how he wants—and that’s all true.

I run my hands over one of the chiffon sundresses, my mouth feeling slightly dry at the thought of trying all of these on. Alexandre had bought me things, clothes, but he’d never let mechoose. He’d picked them all out for his little doll, to dress as he pleased.

Liam might be paying for it all, but he’s letting me pick out what I want.

And I know it’s accomplishing exactly what he means for it to—showing me the difference.