For him, everything stopped. Edward brought her closer.

The church faded away, as did all the guests as he took her hand. She slid it into his, and he moved her toward the priest, who started to talk. Caleb ignored him as he stared at her.


His woman.

They spoke their vows, and when it came the time for anyone to protest, the church remained silent.

Sliding his ring onto her finger would stay with him for the rest of his life. Within a few minutes, it was time to kiss his wife.

Cupping her cheek, he stared into her eyes, and then before their family and friends, he kissed her. Sinking his fingers into her hair as he finally got a chance to kiss her as his wife.

“I love you,” he said.

“I love you.”

The guests cheered for them.

“I really hate my dress,” she said.

“Can I be honest?” he asked.


“I really hate your dress, but I love you, and it means when I’m ready, you’re going to be more than happy for me to tear it off you.”

“Do you think you can get it off me before the reception?”

“Nope. You’re going to have to get through pictures, speeches, and everything else before I can take it off you.” He pressed a kiss to her head. “Let’s go.”

He took the lead, getting her to the photographer. The dress was hideous, and she deserved to be a virginal bride, but he was married to her. This day, no matter how much it was messed up, they had gotten through it. He loved her. She belonged to him, and there was no way he was letting her go. They had a three-week honeymoon, and he’d planned to get her pregnant, but now, he just got to enjoy her, like he intended to for the rest of his life.


Rome had never envied his brothers their reputation, certainly not Caleb. Watching him now with Lilly, he saw the couple was meant to be together. When he’d first heard his brother was dating, he didn’t think for a second it would last. He’d been like everyone else, judging.

Now as he looked at Caleb, he did envy him.

Not the woman.

Rome had never had any feelings for Lilly.

Glancing past the newly married couple, he caught sight of the sweet woman who had captured his heart when he was a fifteen-year-old boy. Andy Evergreen. He couldn’t take his gaze away from her.

Still, after ten years, she was so beautiful.

She wore a floor-length red dress that molded to her curves. One of the reasons he’d had a crush on her all those years ago was because of her big tits and voluptuous ass. He often put his hand up so she’d come to him to ask a question. She’d lean down and he’d ask her such idiot things that probably made her think he was an idiot. He wasn’t. He was just a kid in love.

Now he handled her accounts.

As he looked at her, he felt this need to know her.

Running fingers through his hair, he tried to build up the courage to go to this woman.

Nothing helped.

“You won’t know until you ask. I thought you Hard boys didn’t let fear hold you back.”

He rolled his eyes. “It took Caleb long enough to tell you he loved you and to ask you to marry him.”

“But he did. Don’t regret missing your opportunity, Rome. You’ll regret it and you’d hate it if you waited too long and she married someone else.” Lilly kissed his cheek. “I’m rooting for you.”

“I want to take my wife for a spin around the dance floor,” Caleb said.

“You keep saying that,” Lilly said, giggling as Caleb pressed his face against her neck.