
I kiss my wife and hear the pattering of feet. I let out a groan. It doesn’t matter how much time has passed. When it comes to my wife, there is never enough time to be with her. I love her more than anything.

Tonight, I will make love to her. She’s pregnant again, only her fourth pregnancy, but we’ve already got four kids. The twins appear first, with Casey coming in behind them, followed by Sean.

My family.

My kids.

“Ew, Dad, gross,” Casey says, wrinkling her nose.

I laugh.

Kissing my wife again, I give her a look, and Kate knows tonight I’ll be worshipping her body. I go and clean up before returning to take my seat at the table.

Sean leads with a thank you prayer, and then Kate serves us up a delicious meal, and I sit listening to my family, laugh, chatter away, and know life is more than perfect. This is exactly how I hoped my life would be.

The End

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