“Yes, I’m sure. I’m going to fight to have her.”

My father slaps my shoulder. “It’s good for you to finally know what it is you want.”

I frown at him. I can’t help it. “What?”

“You heard me.”

“Wait? You’re happy about this?”

“Yes, of course I am. It means you’re ready.”

“Dad, I’ve always been ready.”

“No, you haven’t always been ready, but I get it. You both needed this space. Time to know what you really want. You’re both so young. It’s easy to make mistakes, and I didn’t want either of you to rush into anything and have any regrets.”

“Hold on? You knew I wanted this?” I ask.

“Son, I know the way you looked at Kate. I saw how much you wanted her and believe me, it was hard for me to tell you to wait, but I knew you needed to. She is really important to you, but I also know how much we can change and grow. I know I have. We can make so many fucked-up decisions in our youth. I only wanted the best for both of you.”

“I’m not you.”

“And believe me, it’s a good thing. You’re a good man. Suzy was hoping you’d come to your senses or at least this would be over for the both of you, and you’d finally make up your mind.”

“The only reason I didn’t go after Kate before is because you asked me not to. You forbade it.”

“That girl needed to go to college and try to live her dream. If you had shown her any love or affection, she would have been content to stay and be your wife, and never try to find anything for herself. She’s gifted though, Myron. You know that. She has to do this.”

Kate can tell one heck of a story. It’s why she’s studying English Lit at college, but she is also taking a couple of business courses as well.

“We are both happy for you, and want you to be with her, Myron. Just don’t screw this up. I know you care about her, but don’t do anything stupid.”

I have no intention of doing so.

Chapter Three


Washed and dressed in my reindeer sweater and jeans, I make my way downstairs to the scent of vegetable lasagna. I’ve been a vegetarian since I was fifteen years old. One of the kid activists in the high school hijacked the computer while we were all in the main hall listening to one of the principal’s speeches, and showed some footage that would stay with me forever. From that day, I haven’t eaten meat.

My mom was a little shocked by my dedication, but I don’t care.

I find my mom in the kitchen humming as she slices up the lasagna. There is already a nice big bowl of fresh salad with the dressing in a jar, waiting to be poured over it. My mom is one hell of a cook. Being away at college, I’ve missed that.

I can cook as well, but when you’re homesick, nothing can beat Mom’s cooking, at least not for me.

I walk behind her and hold her. “Hey, Mom,” I say. “It smells so good.”

“Now I didn’t think I’d miss you startling me like that. Do you remember the time when you were a little girl?” Mom asks.

“You mean when you’d taken out an entire tray of chocolate chip cookies and I was so happy you’d baked something, I hugged you tight, and you spilled them all over the floor. Yep, that was a sad day.”

Mom chuckles. “I made you run to the store to get some more chocolate chips. When did you get so grown up? Will you ever want to bake cookies with your mom?”

“We can bake some tomorrow? I’m all caught up with my studies. I have nothing I need to do for the next couple of weeks but be a thorn in your side.”

“You will never be a thorn.” She squeezes my cheek affectionately.

Myron and Frank enter the kitchen. Both men are smiling, and they look so much alike, at least in size, I think.

There is no way I’m attracted to my stepdad, not even a little bit.

“Dinner is ready. Will you carry the lasagna through?” my mom asks.

I’ve already picked up the salad and take my usual seat. There are only four places set. I guess he really doesn’t have a girlfriend. Not that I care.


The kiss, I refuse to think about. It had no meaning. I’m more than happy, just content to be my lonely little self. No worry there.

Mom serves us all, and I help with the salad, handing the bowl to Frank.

Mom sits down and like always, demands we hold hands in prayer. I listen as she does this, but I’m also aware of the man opposite me.

This is not the first time nor will it be the last where we’re around the table, but this is different. My lips feel swollen from his kisses, and his intent was always there.