“Is that so?” He turned back toward the woman who had been patiently observing our conversation. “Would you be so kind as to add an additional elixir to my order?” He slid a small pouch of coins across the counter and the lady accepted it graciously.

“Of course, sir.” She smiled sweetly at Peter. “Just give me a few minutes and I’ll get them bottled for you.” Then she disappeared through a back doorway.

“Peter, you didn’t have to do that. I can order my own medicine.” I held up my pouch of coins that were hidden within my cloak.

“I am certain you can, but Sylvia is a dear friend of mine as well.” His face reflected soft-heartedness. “This is simply a gift to her. Also, I wouldn’t want you or the other ladies to catch this illness so it is simply a gift to you all.”

I nodded gratefully in understanding. “Thank you, I will be sure to tell them you wish everyone well.” I thanked him kindly, feeling touched by his concern. “While you are here, I must ask you…” A bubble of fear rose inside me as I prepared to ask the question I was dreading. “Is it true…? Are King Garrett and Queen Minerva engaged?” I could feel my eyes well up as I murmured the words.

“Yes, it is true.” He placed a hand on my arm compassionately, and I bit my lip to hold in a quiver. “The announcement was made yesterday, and they are making the arrangements now. I’m sorry Arabella,” he whispered my name quietly so only I would hear it. His voice made it sound so beautiful when he spoke it, and the sound comforted me. I had a sudden longing to be wrapped up in his arms again as we had been in the forest. Shoving the thought aside, I wiped my eyes.

“What am I going to do now?” Despair filled my voice. Removing the king from Isalla seemed hopeless now. A royal engagement was a serious occasion and bound both parties to a series of regulations regarding the terms of the alliance. If Isalla was to back out now, then Drancos would have every right to declare a siege and their allies would likely stand with them. We were officially backed into a corner, and only Peter and I were aware of it. I lowered my head in defeat, but Peter pressed a finger under my chin and raised it so I was looking up into his eyes.

“Don’t give up hope yet.” His handsome face was determined as he held my gaze. “The laws are intricate. There must be a work around that we haven’t considered yet.” He offered me a reassuring smile and I felt my spirits lift. He was right; I had spent too much time hiding and protecting myself, and now it was time I started fighting for my kingdom.

The back door creaked open, and the cheery shopkeeper stepped out with two paper sacks in her arms. She set them both on the table and handed the larger one to Peter and a smaller, palm-sized one to me.

“There you are. That should help reduce any symptoms and boost their immune systems.” She pointed toward the package in my hand. “Just have the infected drink half of it before bed and the other half in the morning. It may not be a perfect cure, but it should at least get them back on their feet. Now, is there anything else you folks need today?” She smiled sweetly as she pointed toward a few other ointments and healing teas.

“That should be all for today. Thank you kindly for your services.” Peter flashed his signature grin and tipped his hat before waving good bye. He held the door for me on the way out and we both stood on the cobble road for a moment before deciding what to do next.

“I suppose I should get this to Sylvia…” I held up the tiny package. The last thing I wanted to do was say goodbye to Peter so soon, but it probably wasn’t the safest idea for us to be out in the open together.

“Yes, of course. I am sure the other ladies are expecting you as well.” While he sounded understanding, I caught a hint of disappointment in his tone. “I should return to the outpost as well. Hopefully these elixirs will help cure whatever mysterious illness has been ailing my men and Sylvia.” Despite his words of leaving, he remained standing for another few silent moments before either of us made any further movements.

“Peter?” I said timidly as if he might turn to leave at any second.

“Yes, Arabella?” He sounded eager, yet discreet as he spoke my name. I felt the familiar flutter of joy as I heard it.

“Can we arrange a meeting together?” I stared up at him, intently watching for his reaction. His face didn’t display any visible changes, but his eyes lit up enthusiastically. “I feel as though I can strategize better when I can bounce ideas off of someone,” I quickly clarified. His enthusiasm sent a spur of nervousness through me I wasn’t prepared for.

“I would be more than happy to assist you.” He looked honestly delighted at the request. “This may be short notice, but tonight is my evening off. Would you be available to meet after supper?” He shifted his weight while patiently waiting for my response.

“Yes, that should work perfectly.” I could feel myself grow excited. A whole evening just to talk with Peter… To discuss political actions, of course. “Where should I meet you? I don’t think the outpost would be a safe choice yet. I also won’t be able to take Dottie, so I shall have to walk.” I thought back to the long winding path that had first brought me to encampment.

“What if we meet at the fallen log in the woods?” he answered quickly as if he had already thought this part through. “Where we hid during last week’s… events.” He cautiously glazed over the assassination attempt as he glanced around at distant townsfolk. “Do you remember how to get there?” My thoughts flashed back to the moment when Peter held me in his arms; I felt my cheeks grow hot and quickly nodded as if too cool them off.

“Yes, I can find it.” I kept my head low to avoid him seeing my flushed face. Why did this always happen around him? “I will head out just after supper. I can tell the girls I’m going for a walk.” I risked looking back up to see a smile on his face.

“Wonderful,” he said cheerfully. “I look forward to seeing you then.” With that he waved a simply goodbye and started back down the cobblestone street. After he was out of sight, I realized I had been wearing a giddy expression.

I shook my head, trying to shake out any unwanted thoughts. I needed to focus. Tonight was about forming a plan for Isalla and nothing else. With this reaffirmation in mind, I began making my way down the road with pointed strides. As I walked, I heard the familiar sound of carriage wheels clacking over the stone. I crossed onto the side of the street to avoid getting in the way, but surprisingly, the vehicle began to slow until it matched my pace. I was beginning to grow concerned when, without warning, a friendly face poked their head out of the moving window.

“Annie dear, is that you!” Aurelia radiated elation as she hung halfway out of the carriage to gawk at me. I stopped my pace and turned to face the gleeful young girl as her coach pulled to a stop. “Oh, it is you! How have you been? I haven’t been able to make it over to the mill in quite some time now, so I hope you are all doing well!” Aurelia opened the door and stepped down onto the bumpy road to greet me with an affectionate hug.

“It is a pleasure to see you, Aurelia. I have been well, thank you.” I smiled to her as we parted from the embrace. It was so good to see her again. “I have certainly been longing for another one of your visits. Your company was so well appreciated last time.” She gripped my hands energetically as I expressed my fondness.

“Oh, that is so lovely to hear!” She dropped my hands and clasped her own together in excitement. “How have the others been doing? Are you heading there now? I could give you a ride if you would like. Oh, Annie, it has been so boring this last week with my parents around, and I would love to come say hello!” Her words shot out like they were racing each other, causing my head to whirl from her questions.

“I actually was just heading back,” I said slowly making sure I answered at least one of her questions. “And the other girls have been doing mostly well, but unfortunately, Sylvia has fallen ill. I was just on my way to bring her some medicine.” I held up the paper package with a much more solemn expression.

“How dreadful, I hope she is alright.” Her cheerful expression switched to sorrow at the news. “Is there anything I can do to help? I probably shouldn’t visit if there is a chance of contracting this illness, but maybe there are some supplies you could use that would aid in her comfort?” She looked to me with pleading eyes, clearly earnest about wanting to help.

“That is very kind of you to offer, Aurelia,” I expressed sweetly. “I am not sure what exact items she is in need of, but perhaps we could think of something small to bring her.” I thought through gifts that would provide ample comfort.

“Why must it be small?” Aurelia gave me a confused look. “Money is no object, and Sylvia is a friend of mine, just like the rest of you. I will gladly provide her with whatever she may need. Just name it.” She beamed proudly under the idea of bestowing comforts onto her friends. I couldn’t help but be impressed by her generosity. Most noble ladies would receive a regular allowance in order to upkeep the most recent styles among the public. Seeing a lady choose to spend her funds on others was nearly unheard of within the capital. My thoughts broke as she continued. “Have you had lunch yet? I know it is rather early, but would you like to join me at our estate? My parents are spending the afternoon meeting with a lumber business partner, so we would have the whole house to ourselves.” She grabbed my hands again and squeezed them eagerly. This poor girl was desperate for someone to share her time with. I smiled brightly at the idea, but hesitated for a moment.

“I would love to but…” I felt her hands loosen their grip. “I need to get this elixir back to Sylvia. The sooner she takes it, the sooner she will hopefully get well.” I shifted my hand in her grasp to once again show the wrapped bundle.