One hour earlier…

“Peter! There you are!” I turned my head around and saw Lady Lockly riding up to me with haste. She was calling my name with desperation in her voice, so I left my men and ran to her. “Oh, Peter, where have you been!?” she cried as she dismounted her mare. She stopped in front of me, catching her breath for a moment.

“Lady Lockly, what are you doing here?” I questioned nervously. She should have been with Arabella by now. “I was going to meet up with you at the laundry mill along with…” I halted before saying the princess’s real name.

Maybe she hadn’t told her yet.

“With Arabella,” she filled in without hesitation. “She told me everything, but something terrible happened.” Her eyes filled with terror and my instincts took over.

“What happened? Where is she?” I grabbed the girl by the shoulders, making her jump at the impact. Noticing her fright, I released my grip from her, still pleading with my eyes for answers.

I stood as stiff has a statue as the lady filled me in on the transgressions with Mr. Dwarfer. My fists tightened into balls as I listened to her story unfold. That imbecile had the nerve to poison his own princess? Not to even mention my men. My brain slipped into strategic thinking as I attempted to piece together what his motives would have been, or more specifically, the motives of his employer.

“Arabella already left for the castle?” I broke the silence, no longer able to withhold my questioning.

“Yes,” she confirmed anxiously. “She was in really bad shape, if I’m honest. Her best hope at recovery was getting a cure elixir. The castle may be the only place she can find one now.” She shook her head in despair, trying to remain brave. “She went to seek out the queen. At the very least, she wanted to warn her of the man she was marrying. We waited as long as we could for you, but you never came. Where have you been?” Her round blue eyes reflected frustration and panic.

I took a calming breath. “The prisoner escaped,” I admitted in defeat. The girl gasped, smacking a hand over her mouth in shock. “I was on my way to meet you both when I was alerted of his getaway. He badly injured one of my men in the process and fled into the woods. I have been trying to deal with the aftermath ever since.” I pressed a hand to my forehead in aggravation.

“That’s terrible,” the lady acknowledged drearily. “Did you even get the letter from him?” She looked up to me with hope, and I was relieved that I could offer her some. I withdrew a folded piece of parchment from my jacket and showed it to her.

“Fortunately, yes.” I watched as her eyes grew wide in achievement. “I was going to bring it to Arabella until…” I sighed and rolled my eyes. That beast was going to get skinned the next time I laid eyes on him. “Anyway, that’s unimportant now. We need to leave for the castle at once.” I switched my focus to Arabella. She needed me and I hadn’t been there, but I won’t make her wait a moment more. I mounted my stallion as Lady Lockly climbed onto her own mount. She gave me confident nod before she turned her horse down the path at full speed. I followed closely behind, hoping to make up for lost time...

The journey was a quick one since both of our horses maintained an even stamina. When we arrived at the castle gates, I nearly flew off my horse before landing smoothly on the cobble ground with a thump. The lady took a little longer to dismount in her full skirt, but I wasn’t feeling patient. I raced up to the posted guard, causing the man to face me aggressively.

“Halt!” the stout man commanded sternly. “No one enters the castle grounds without adequate rank or formal invitation.” He held his sword at the ready while the second guard eyed me intently.

“I am Captain Peter Williamson of the western royal battalion.” I glared at him fearlessly as I put the man in his place. “I request an immediate audience with the queen in regards to an urgent emergency.” I watched as the man’s expression changed into severity. He looked at his companion, who nodded aggressively.

“You may enter,” the second man stated as he opened the gates. “We shall inform the queen of your arrival at once.” The shorter man scurried off while a sudden third guard led me hastily through the gardens and up the castle steps. Lady Lockly followed at my heels with a determined expression plastered to her face.

Once we were inside, we were directed to a small receiving room where tea and biscuits were promptly served. I paced around the space, anxious to speak to someone other than a serving maid. I didn’t have time for a cup of tea while I knew Arabella was here somewhere. I watched as Miss Aurelia sat nervously in her seat, twisting bunches of her skirt fabric in her hands. The wait was killing us both.

“That’s it,” I finally announced, turning toward the doorway we had been led through. “I’m going to look for the princess. If the maids return, tell them I left for the washroom.” I began to make my way toward the exit, not wanting to waste time on the young girl’s attempts to stop me.

“Peter wait…” She stood from her chair and locked eyes with mine. She displayed far more courage than fear. “Good luck.” She gave me an awkward salute of approval, and I smiled at her in understanding. She knew what was at stake, and I appreciated her willingness to do what was necessary.

I snuck through the halls as stealthily as possible. This was only my third time ever being in the castle, so I had a slight semblance of direction, but not an astounding one. I passed by multiple sitting rooms, a library, and the kitchen, but couldn’t find any sign of Arabella or the queen. Finally, I rounded the corner into an ornate parlor where I was graced by the eyes of not one but two royals.

It was King Garrett and Prince Jasper.

I placed my hand on the hilt of my sword out of pure instinct. These two men had brought so much hurt into Arabella’s life, and now she may be dying because of it. The king’s dark brown eyes looked up to me in confusion. He stood clumsily from his seat so he could turn to face me.

“Good afternoon, good sir,” the king greeted me warmly with a kind smile. “You appear to be in a hurry. May my son and I be of any service to you?” The young prince stood, matching his father’s cheerful smile. It made me sick seeing them so happy after knowing what they were capable of.

“Yes, I actually could use some assistance.” My tone was as cold as ice and my eyes dug into theirs, causing the king’s friendly smile to fade. “I’m looking for an antidote to a magical poison. Something tells me you are familiar with such items.” I stepped toward the royals menacingly, watching their kind faces slip into fright.

Good, be scared.

“I’m afraid I don’t know of any such antidotes.” The king took an involuntary step back at my advancements, and the prince stepped forward in defense for his father.

“Who are you to demand such a thing from my father?” Prince Jasper spoke boldly, trying to intimidate me with his bravery. Unfazed by his useless bravado, I pursued further. He was a fool to think I could be stopped now.

“I am the captain who has been protecting Princess Arabella from a Draconian assassin ever since her disappearance.” I drew my sword and directed it toward the king. My eyes burned with fury, but the king looked more astounded than afraid. “While she was hiding, someone had been slowly sending her poison, along with antidotes for those who were affected around her. I have come to retrieve another cure and am prepared to go to any lengths necessary to find it.” I stepped closer to the king preparing to listen to his denials, but he remained silent. Both of their faces wore puzzled looks before King Garrett broke the silence.

“Captain,” the king began in a clear voice, “I swear to you on my kingdom that I know nothing of this.” He gazed over to his son, who wore the same befuddled look.

“Neither do I,” the prince confessed, looking back toward me. I wanted to be angry at them for lying, but they looked genuinely lost.