It was because I wanted Zaya.

My little warrior demon with a spirit underlined in strength.

Her kiss became passionate and tender. She threaded her fingers through my hair once more, but less urgent this time, and her other palm went to the back of my neck.

Setting the pace, I realized.

This wouldn’t be a harsh fucking. It wouldn’t be hard or fast.

She’d chosen sweet and slow.

And I indulged her with my hips, moving inside her in a sensual dance underscored by our affection.

This wasn’t just about satisfying an unbridled need. It was about satisfying our hearts.

I’d never experienced anything like it, the intense emotion sweeping over us with every thrust of my hips. It was as if my soul had married hers, binding us together for eternity.

I opened my eyes to find her watching me, understanding brimming in her gaze.

We were making love to each other.

I had no idea how to interpret that and didn’t bother to try. I just accepted it, like I did her.

Her eyes fell closed once more, our kiss deepening. I followed suit, allowing her to take me to new heights while I guided us both toward a rapturous union.

I cupped her cheek, my opposite hand against her hip, my pace slow and perfect.

She shuddered, drawing a shiver up my spine as pleasure rippled through her. My cock jolted in response, my own climax following hers and eliciting a guttural groan from my throat.

It wasn’t enough.

I needed so much more.

And my body agreed, my shaft pulsating inside her and demanding I continue moving.

We didn’t stop kissing, ecstasy overwhelming us both even while our hips maintained the same pace.

Everything felt new. As if I’d just unlocked some secret part of my soul and given it to her.

She smiled against my lips, her mental voice a caress to my thoughts as she demanded more. Harder this time, she added in a husky whisper. Make me feel you for days, Prince Grigory.

You have no idea what you’re asking of me, I warned her, demonstrating with a flex of my hips. If you want to feel me, it’s going to hurt.

Good, she replied. I told you to take away my memories. I meant it. Replace them all with you. Only you.

I growled against her mouth. Then I expect you to return the favor. Make me yours, Zay. And I’ll make you mine.

She responded by biting my tongue—hard. I jolted, my palm flying up to her throat on impulse. Her nails dug into my scalp and the back of my neck, refusing to release me as she swallowed my fresh blood. Her throat worked beneath my palm, and fuck if that wasn’t the most erotic sensation I’d ever experienced.

The little vixen was claiming me, just as I’d demanded, with her vicious teeth against my tongue.

Fuck, Zay.

Yes, she replied. Now.

My body moved as if she possessed me with those words, her internal moans urging me onward into a pace that would bruise us both. She responded by biting me again, causing me to growl. It fucking hurt. Yet her tongue soothed mine with each stroke, and that feeling of her throat bobbing with every swallow had me hypnotized.

I was on top.