Sure, the king would provide us with rules. I just doubted some of my contenders’ abilities to abide by them.

Particularly, Thortus—the bulky brute with the football-shaped head. He was notorious for kidnapping humans from Earth just to rape them to death. Necros no doubt considered the asshole to be a suitable candidate for breaking his pretty little wife.

I disagreed.

Rolling my neck, I ignored the muffled cries coming from the lady’s maid and focused on Necros. He held the queen’s arm tightly while conversing with two of his men. Whatever he was saying had painted her skin in shades of gray.

Then he released her with a clap of his hands. “It’s time.”

A gladiator ring formed throughout the middle of the room, dividing those who wanted to watch from the candidates, while those seeking more sadistic entertainment played with the lady’s maid in the corner.

I suspected most of those men would find their ties to Necros loosened in the coming days, their weakness for a bit of free flesh denoting them as useless to anyone in power. Because everyone knew a prize was worth fighting for, not one you won just by being.

Two lines were formed, eight on each side. I stood near the end, hands tucked into the pockets of my dress pants, bored. Weapons were wheeled out as Necros and his queen took their seats on the outskirts of the ring. She no longer cried or blinked, her skin ashen, her mouth pressed to a fine line.

The harsher Necros was to her, the easier he made my job. She needed a knight, someone willing to help her, and I would prove to be that male. Then destroy everything she’d ever known.

“The rules are simple,” Necros said, commanding the room with his deep tenor. “The last six left standing win. All weapons are accepted, including any that were carried in tonight. I’ve also provided a few items for those who didn’t arrive prepared.” He relaxed into his throne, his hand clasping Queen Valora’s tightly. “Any questions?”

I palmed my blades, my targets in sight.

No one spoke, the anticipation thick in the makeshift arena.

Not even the lady’s maid cried now. Or perhaps all sound was drowned out from the rhythmic beating in my ears. I began to count, my instincts taking over and leading my expectations.



Necros’s hand sliced through the air, igniting chaos throughout the room. “Begin.”




The beat of my heart rang in my ears, the noise akin to a bass drum sounding out my death.

Had my husband just made an announcement beyond cruel?

Zaya screamed louder, the noise filled the room and mixed with the sound of men who fought to win me for one night a week. Six unknown males and, on the seventh night, my husband would take me.

Immortality suddenly didn’t seem like a gift. A lifetime of hell all because I saved a realm I didn’t even know.

Every inch of me wanted to scream and shout, but I knew I had to play the perfect wife.

“Why are you doing this?” I kept my face neutral for everyone in the audience but addressed my husband. “Why do this to me? To Zaya?”

“You don’t get it, do you, my dear wife? I do it because I can. You don’t seem to understand how to satisfy me, and I want you to learn the art of sex so you will better please me.”

His statement caused my composure to slip. “Bullshit.” The people nearest to me jumped at my words and the venom dripping from them.

Necros waved away their attention with a flick of his wrist. “Remember your place, Valora. You wouldn’t want me to have to beat you in front of the assembled guests for disobedience.”

My temper spiked and I stood up. “Go to hell.”

Necros grabbed my arm and yanked me back into my seat. “Big mistake, little one.” He stood and clapped his hands, causing everyone to stop midfight. Even the two men raping Zaya halted, their lustful gazes causing my stomach to churn. I recognized them—they had watched me on my wedding day.