Information swirled through my mind, all accumulated over the last few days of reading in the library Adrik showed me.

He’d kept his word and helped me avoid torture the last two nights.

Sven hadn’t been able to perform—his dick had shriveled and seemingly hid at the thought of attacking me. Then he’d fled Caluçon in horror at his unexplainable reaction. Fortunately, my husband didn’t replace his position.

And last night, Adrik sent a male to Jives who was more than willing to entertain the much bigger male. By the time I’d arrived, Jives was already spent and embarrassed, so we struck a bargain. He would pretend we spent the evening together if I didn’t mention his proclivities to Necros. An unexpected alliance, but one I accepted.

Tonight, however, I was to go to Gareth.

I shivered.

The male was another of Necros’s lieutenants. Not favored like Lavios, but still a sadistic prick of a male who adored torturing others.

This would not—

Necros has called for you, Adrik’s voice interjected, flowing through my mind and eliciting a warmth deep inside. Try to remain calm, little bird. I have this under control.

What do you—

A pounding at my door jolted me upright.

I hid the banned book I’d been reading between my mattresses and stood as the door flew open.

Two guards forced their way into my room, their gazes falling to Zaya asleep in my bed. I’d moved her from the other room, wanting to look after her myself since her parents had not yet arrived. Strange, really. I expected them days ago.

“Why is she still here?” one of the guards demanded.

I narrowed my eyes. “Because she’s my lady’s maid. Not that I need to answer to you.” I looked toward the door, where it still shook with the force of the violent opening. “Why do you interrupt me in my quarters this way?”

“The king requires your presence.” The shorter of the two guards held a spear and used it to motion for me to leave the room.

“I am not properly dressed,” I replied, holding my head high. “I’ll join him when I’m ready.”

“You’ll join him now,” the guard returned, his round face falling into severe lines. “It’s your choice on whether I carry you or not.”

My eyebrows rose. “I think when addressing your queen, you should phrase your words with more sincerity due to my outranking you.”

He snorted. “Sweetheart, Necros gave up his claim on you earlier this week. We’re free to address you however the fuck we want.”

“And touch, too,” the bigger male beside him drawled, his coffee-colored irises gleaming with malicious intent.

“He gave rights to the victors, not—”

“Do you want a demonstration?” the shorter one demanded, handing his spear to the other and starting around the bed toward me. “Because I’ll happily put you in your place, little whore.”

“But quickly because Necros requires her

presence,” the giant warned.

I backed up into the wall as the shorter one approached, his wicked grin one I truly desired to burn off his plump face.

“We’ll blame her insolence” was his reasoning as he reached for my arm. “Maybe the king will let us punish her publicly.”

“One can dream,” his buddy murmured.

Zaya began to stir on the bed, her low groan one that suggested she sensed the shifting of the air in the room.

If she opened her eyes now, she’d scream.