I folded my arms, unamused. “Again.”

Valora growled, the sound sexy as fuck, and stirred a cluster of embers in the air. Sweat beaded across her brow in a sign of exertion, but nothing more than a faint flicker graced her beautiful skin.

I shook my head. “You’re thinking too much.”

“I’m thinking about killing you,” she snarled.

I smirked. “Then do it.” We’d been at this for days, trying to provoke her power to come out and play so she could learn how to tame it. Yet, it seemed regardless of what I said to her, I couldn’t piss her off enough to want to kill me.

I supposed that served as a positive sign in regard to our relationship.

But I couldn’t train her if I didn’t know the extent of energy we were dealing with.

“We’re running out of time, Valora,” I said, glancing at the skylights over the old library. “Necros will want to fuck you again soon.” He’d dropped her off a week ago, having sent guards only twice to see if she’d regained consciousness. Both times, I’d claimed she’d been hardly coherent and feigned disappointment in her performance.

I’d wondered each time if they’d checked on me in person because of the faulty cameras, but they never said a word. And during a recent shadow visit to the security lounge, I found that the feeds weren’t even being recorded.

It seemed Necros trusted me.

Or maybe he just didn’t care what happened to Valora so long as she remained breathing.

A flicker of light sailed over my shoulder, smoldering to ash before it hit anything of import, and Valora cursed, falling to her knees. “I hate this.”

“Oh, good. A pity party,” I drawled, walking over to lean against the bookshelf. “Okay, little bird. Show me your tears. I’m ready to feign some sympathy for you.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Are you trying to piss me off?”

Yes. “Are you trying to fail?” I countered. “Because that’s what you’re doing. And we both know you’re stronger than this.”

“We don’t know anything,” she countered, standing once again. “That’s the problem. I don’t know how to do this.”

I pushed away from the shelving unit and stalked toward her. “Then let’s spar instead.” I’d taught her a few moves over the last several days. Mostly ways to defend herself and incapacitate an attacker. She was, surprisingly, a quick study, her movements agile and lithe, as if she were born to fight. But a week paled in comparison to my experience, as well as everyone else’s in this palace. Which was why I needed her powers to come out and play.

Valora braced her feet in the stance I’d shown her, bending her legs at the knees. “Now you’re speaking my language.”

“Oh?” I circled her with my hands behind my back, purposely keeping a nonthreatening pose. “You like our little sparring matches, do you?”

“Gives me a chance to hit you,” she returned, grinning.

“You mean it gives you cause to touch me.” Something she’d done every night since Necros left her in my guest quarters. I let her lead each time, recognizing her need to heal and feel in charge.

But fuck, it was growing harder and harder not to give in to my own needs.

She wasn’t the only one who craved control.

And I also desired her blood.

Valora came at me when all I did was continue to pace, her leg trying to sweep mine out from under me. I jumped deftly with a chuckle and shook my head. “Trying to put me on my back already? And here I thought we had at least another hour before fucking time.”

“You’re becoming quite arrogant.” She put her hands on her hips. “Maybe I don’t want to fuck tonight.”

I smiled and darted behind her back, clamping one arm around her waist and the other around her throat. “Distractions are deadly,” I whispered against her ear. “Remember that the enemy will always look for an opening, even when you perceive them as innocent.”

She squirmed, trying to drop the way I’d taught her earlier this week, but my grasp was too tight.

“What are you going to do, little bird?” I licked the throbbing pulse against her neck. “How are you going to fly again with your wings trapped?”

Her resulting snarl had my lips curling.